# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/kcontrol_bell.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kcontrol_bell.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Pat Dowler
(trg)="s1"> Pat Dowler

(src)="s2"> Matthias Hoelzer
(trg)="s2"> Matthias Hoelzer

(src)="s3"> Mike McBride
(trg)="s3"> Mike McBride

(src)="s4"> <othercredit role="translator"> Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk KDE British Conversion
(trg)="s4"> Prevod Matej Badalič matej_badalic@slo.net

(src)="s5"> KDE
(trg)="s5"> KDE

(src)="s6"> KControl
(trg)="s6"> KControl

(src)="s7"> Bell
(trg)="s7"> zvonec

(src)="s8"> Settings
(trg)="s8"> nastavitve

(src)="s9"> System bell
(trg)="s9"> Sistemski zvonec

(src)="s10"> The system bell or beep is a feature of the X server , which attempts to make good use of the available hardware .
(trg)="s10"> Sistemski zvonček ali beep je posebnost X strežnika , kateri poskuša na najboljši način izkoristiti razpoložljivo strojno opremo .

(src)="s11"> It isn't always possible for the X server to actually make a beep sound with exactly the parameters selected due to hardware limitations . For example , on most PCs , volume control is not very good so the X server seems to fake low volume with a reduced duration of the sound . Thus , if the settings don't seem to do anything , this is because the X server and/or the hardware don't support anything better .
(trg)="s11"> Kljub vsemu X strežnik ne more zmeraj narediti zvok s točno izbranimi parametri zaradi omejitve pri strojni opremi . Na primer na veliko PC-jih nadzor glasnosti ni dober , zato izgleda , kot da X strežnik ponaredi nizko glasnost z zmanjšano dolžino zvoka . Če izgleda , da nastavitve ne naredijo ničesar , je to zaradi tega , ker X strežnik in / ali strojna oprema ne podpirata boljših nastavitev .

(src)="s12"> Users are able to set the following parameters for the bell :
(trg)="s12"> Uporabniki lahko nastavijo naslednje parametre za zvonec :

(src)="s13"> volume ( percentage of maximum volume )
(trg)="s13"> glasnost ( odstotki največje glasnosti )

(src)="s14"> pitch ( in Hz )
(trg)="s14"> višino tona ( v Hz )

(src)="s15"> duration ( in milliseconds )
(trg)="s15"> trajanje ( v milisekundah )

(src)="s16"> You can use the test button to hear how the current settings will sound .
(trg)="s16"> Lahko uporabite gumb Preizkusi , da prisluhnete , kako bodo zvenele trenutne nastavitve .

(src)="s17"> Section Authors
(trg)="s17"> Avtorji razdelka

(src)="s18"> Pat Dowler , Matthias Hoelzer mhk@kde.org
(trg)="s18"> Pat Dowler , Matthias Hoelzer mhk@kde.org

(src)="s19"> Converted to KDE 2.0 by Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(trg)="s19"> Za KDE 2.0 je pretvoril Mike McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com

(src)="s20"> KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk
(trg)="s20"> Prevod : Matej Badalič matej_badalic@slo.net

# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/kate.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kate.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The &kate ; Handbook
(trg)="s1"> Priročnik za &kate ;

(src)="s2"> Seth Rothberg sethmr@bellatlantic.net
(trg)="s2"> Seth Rothberg sethmr@bellatlantic.net

(src)="s3"> Anders Lund anders@alweb.dk
(trg)="s3"> Seth Rothberg sethmr@bellatlantic.net

(src)="s4"> <othercredit role="translator"> John Knight anarchist_tomato@herzeleid.net KDE British Conversion
(trg)="s4"> Prevod Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net

(src)="s5"> Seth M. Rothberg
(trg)="s5"> Seth M . Rothberg

(src)="s7"> &kate ; is a programmer's text editor for &kde ; 2.2 and above .
(trg)="s7"> &kate ; je programerski urejevalnik za KDE 2.2 ali novejši .

(src)="s8"> This handbook documents &kate ; Version 1.0
(trg)="s8"> Ta priročnik dokumentira &kate ; različice 1.0 .

(src)="s9"> KDE
(trg)="s9"> KDE

(src)="s10"> kdebase
(trg)="s10"> kdebase

(src)="s11"> Kate
(trg)="s11"> Kate

(src)="s12"> text
(trg)="s12"> text

(src)="s13"> editor
(trg)="s13"> editor

(src)="s14"> programmer
(trg)="s14"> programmer

(src)="s15"> programming
(trg)="s15"> programming

(src)="s16"> projects
(trg)="s16"> projects

(src)="s17"> MDI
(trg)="s17"> MDI

(src)="s18"> Multi
(trg)="s18"> Multi

(src)="s19"> Document
(trg)="s19"> Dokument

(src)="s20"> Interface
(trg)="s20"> Vmesnik

(src)="s21"> terminal
(trg)="s21"> terminial

(src)="s22"> console
(trg)="s22"> console

(src)="s23"> Introduction
(trg)="s23"> Uvod

(src)="s24"> Welcome to &kate ; , a programmer's text editor for &kde ; version 2.2 and above . Some of &kate;'s many features include configurable syntax highlighting for languages ranging from C and C++ to HTML to bash scripts , the ability to create and maintain projects , a multiple document interface ( MDI ) , and a self-contained terminal emulator .
(trg)="s24"> Dobrodošli v &kate ; , programerski urejevalnik za &kde ; različice 2.2 in novejše . Nekatere izmed mnogih zmožnosti &kate ; vključujejo prilagodljivo barvanje skladnje za jezike od C in C+ + do HTML in skript bash , zmožnost ustvarjanja in vzdrževanja projektov vmesnik multiple documents interface ( MDI ) in terminalski emulator .

(src)="s25"> But &kate ; is more than a programmer's editor . Its ability to open several files at once makes it ideal for editing &UNIX;'s many configuration files . This document was written in &kate ; .
(trg)="s25"> Vendar pa je &kate ; več kot le programerski urejevalnik . Zaradi zmožnosti , da ima lahko odprtih več datotek naenkrat je idealen za urejevanje mnogih &UNIX ; -ovih nastavitvenih datotek . Ta dokument je bil spisan v &kate ; .

(src)="s27"> Credits and Licence
(trg)="s27"> Zahvala in licence

(src)="s29"> The &kate ; team :
(trg)="s29"> Priročnik za &kate ;

(src)="s32"> Anders Lund anders@alweb.dk
(trg)="s32"> Documentation copyright 2000,2001 Seth Rothberg , sethmr@bellatlantic.net

(src)="s79"> Documentation copyright 2000,2001 Seth Rothberg , sethmr@bellatlantic.net
(trg)="s79"> Documentation copyright 2000,2001 Seth Rothberg , sethmr@bellatlantic.net

(src)="s80"> Documentation copyright 2002 Anders Lund , anders@alweb.dk
(trg)="s80"> Documentation copyright 2000,2001 Seth Rothberg , sethmr@bellatlantic.net

(src)="s81"> KDE British Conversion John Knight anarchist_tomato@herzeleid.net
(trg)="s81"> Prevod : Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net

# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_advanced.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_advanced.po.xml.gz

(src)="s18"> char examples
(trg)="s18"> kate --licence

# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_configuring.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_configuring.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Configuring &kate ;
(trg)="s1"> Nastavitev Kate

(src)="s4"> The Configuration Dialogue
(trg)="s4"> Nastavitev Kate

(src)="s6"> The Settings Menu
(trg)="s6"> Menu Datoteka

(src)="s8"> The View Menu
(trg)="s8"> Menu Datoteka

(src)="s11"> The Main Configuration Dialogue
(trg)="s11"> Nastavitev Kate

(src)="s13"> The &kate ; group
(trg)="s13"> Priročnik za &kate ;

(src)="s15"> The General Page
(trg)="s15"> Osnove

(src)="s26"> Restore View Configuration
(trg)="s26"> Nastavitev Kate

(src)="s36"> The Editor Group
(trg)="s36"> Priročnik za &kate ;

(src)="s38"> The Colours Page
(trg)="s38"> Menu Datoteka

(src)="s43"> The Fonts Page
(trg)="s43"> Osnove

(src)="s47"> The Indent Page
(trg)="s47"> Osnove

(src)="s49"> Indent Options
(trg)="s49"> Možnosti ukazne vrstice

(src)="s52"> Indent with Spaces
(trg)="s52"> Prikaži k onzolo

(src)="s54"> Backspace key indents
(trg)="s54"> Backspace

(src)="s56"> Tab key indents
(trg)="s56"> Backspace

(src)="s60"> The Select Page
(trg)="s60"> Osnove

(src)="s62"> Select Options
(trg)="s62"> Možnosti ukazne vrstice

(src)="s63"> Persistent Selections
(trg)="s63"> Delo s &kate ;

(src)="s66"> Overwrite Selection
(trg)="s66"> Delo s &kate ;

(src)="s68"> The Edit Page
(trg)="s68"> Osnove

(src)="s70"> Editor Options
(trg)="s70"> Možnosti ukazne vrstice

(src)="s76"> Replace Tabs with Spaces
(trg)="s76"> Prikaži k onzolo

(src)="s83"> Auto Brackets
(trg)="s83"> Prikaži k onzolo

(src)="s87"> Show Tabs
(trg)="s87"> Prikaži o rodjarno

(src)="s94"> The Keyboard Page
(trg)="s94"> Osnove

(src)="s106"> The Spelling Page
(trg)="s106"> Osnove

(src)="s108"> The Highlighting Page
(trg)="s108"> Osnove

(src)="s113"> Context
(trg)="s113"> text

(src)="s121"> Selected
(trg)="s121"> Izbriši

(src)="s133"> The Plugins Group
(trg)="s133"> Priročnik za &kate ;

# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_fundamentals.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kate_fundamentals.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The Fundamentals
(trg)="s1"> Osnove

(src)="s2"> If you have ever used a text editor , you will have no problem using &kate ; . In the next two sections , <link linkend="starting-kate">Starting &kate;and in <link linkend="working-with-kate">Working with &kate ; , we'll show you everything you need to get up and running quickly .
(trg)="s2"> Če st kdajkoli uporabljali ureejvalnik besedil ne boste imeli težav pri uporabi &kate ; . V nsalednjih dveh razdelkih Zagon &kate ; in v Delo s &kate ; vam bomo prikazali vse potrebno za hiter pričetek dela .

(src)="s3"> Starting &kate ;
(trg)="s3"> Zagon &kate ;

(src)="s4"> You can start &kate ; from the K menu or from the command line .
(trg)="s4"> &kate ; lahko poženete iz menuja K ali pa iz ukazne vrstice .

(src)="s5"> From the Menu
(trg)="s5"> Iz menuja

(src)="s6"> Open the &kde ; program menu by clicking on the big K icon on the toolbar at the bottom left of your screen . This will raise the program menu . Move your cursor up the menu to the Editors menu item . A list of available editors will appear . Choose &kate ; .
(trg)="s6"> Odprite programski menu KDE s klikom na ikono z velikim K . Premaknite kurzor nad menu Urejevalniki . Pojavil se bo seznam dosegljivih urejevalnikov . Izberite &kate ; .

(src)="s7"> Unless you configure &kate ; not to , it will load the last files you edited . See <link linkend="configure">Configuring &kate;to learn how to toggle this feature on and off .
(trg)="s7"> V kolikor &kate ; ne nastavite drugače , bo program naložil zadnje datoteke , ki ste jih urejali . Oglejte si Nastavitev &kate ; , da izveste , kako vključite / izključite to možnost .

(src)="s8"> From the Command Line
(trg)="s8"> Iz ukazne vrstice

(src)="s9"> You can start &kate ; by typing its name on the command line . If you give it a file name , as in the example below , it will open or create that file .
(trg)="s9"> &kate ; lahko poženete tako , da vtipkate ime programa v ukazno vrstico . Če podate še ime datoteke , kot v spodnjem primeru , bo ta datoteka odprta ali pa ustvarjena .

(src)="s10"> % kate myfile.txt
(trg)="s10"> % kate myfile.txt

(src)="s11"> If you have an active connection , and permission , you can take advantage of &kde;'s network transparency to open files on the internet .
(trg)="s11"> Če imate aktivno povezavo in dovoljenja , lahko izkoristite omrežno preglednost &kde ; in odprete datoteke v internetu .

(src)="s12"> % kate ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/README_FIRST
(trg)="s12"> % kate ftp : / /ftp.kde.org / pub / kde / README_FIRST

(src)="s13"> Command Line Options
(trg)="s13"> Možnosti ukazne vrstice

(src)="s14"> &kate ; accepts following command line options :
(trg)="s14"> &kate ; sprejme naslednje možnosti ukazne vrstice :

(src)="s15"> kate --help
(trg)="s15"> kate --help

(src)="s16"> This lists the most basic options available at the command line .
(trg)="s16"> To izpiše najbolj osnovne možnosti , ki so dosegljive z ukazne vrstice .

(src)="s17"> kate --help-qt
(trg)="s17"> kate --help-qt

(src)="s18"> This lists the options available for changing the way &kate ; interacts with &Qt ; .
(trg)="s18"> To izpiše možnosti , ki so dosegljive za spreminjanje načina interakcije &kate ; s &Qt ; .