# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sr/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The &khelpcenter ;
(trg)="s1"> &Khelpcenter ;

(src)="s2"> <othercredit role="translator"> Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk KDE British Conversion


(src)="s4"> KDE
(trg)="s4"> KDE

(src)="s5"> kdebase
(trg)="s5"> kdebase

(src)="s6"> khelpcenter
(trg)="s6"> khelpcenter

(src)="s7"> kdehelp
(trg)="s7"> kdepomoć

(src)="s8"> help
(trg)="s8"> pomoć

(src)="s9"> help centre
(trg)="s9"> centar za pomoć

(src)="s10"> KDE help centre
(trg)="s10"> KDE centar za pomoć

# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter_quickstart.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sr/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter_quickstart.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> An Introduction to &kde ;
(trg)="s1"> Pozivnica za &kde ;

(src)="s2"> The KDE Team
(trg)="s2"> KDE Tim

(src)="s3"> <othercredit role="translator"> Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk KDE British Conversion

(src)="s4"> An introduction to the K Desktop Environment
(trg)="s4"> Uvod u K Desktop Enviroment

(src)="s5"> Quick Start Guide to &kde ;
(trg)="s5"> Vodič za brzi start za &kde ;

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> KDE

(src)="s7"> quick start
(trg)="s7"> brzi start

(src)="s8"> introduction
(trg)="s8"> uvod

(src)="s9"> Introduction
(trg)="s9"> Uvod

(src)="s10"> This document is a brief introduction to the K Desktop Environment . It will familiarise you with some of the basic features of &kde ; .
(trg)="s10"> Ovaj dokument je kratak uvod u K Desktop Enviroment . On ce vas zbližiti sa nekim osnovnim mogućnostima &kde ; -a .

(src)="s11"> This guide is far from covering all aspects of the K Desktop or even most of them . It will only describe some of the most basic ways to accomplish a few of the most common tasks .
(trg)="s11"> Ovaj vodič je daleko od pokrivanja svih aspekata KDE-a ili čak većine . On će samo opisati neke od najosnovnijih načina da se obavi par najuobičajenijih zadataka .

(src)="s12"> We assume that you are already familiar with at least one graphical user interface , for example CDE , Geos , GEM , &NeXTSTEP ; , &Mac ; , OS/2 or &Microsoft ; &Windows ; . So we will not explain the usage of the mouse or the keyboard but concentrate on hopefully more interesting things .
(trg)="s12"> ili Prozori ili .

(src)="s13"> An Overview of &kde ;
(trg)="s13"> Pregled &kde ; -a

(src)="s14"> This section is for users who prefer to learn by exploring and want only a brief orientation to get started . Later sections provide a more thorough introduction to the environment , with helpful hints and shortcuts . If you are impatient to get started , skim this section , go play for a bit , then come back and peruse the other sections of this guide as needed .
(trg)="s14"> korisnike do napisao i do do i do i drugi .

(src)="s15"> &kde ; provides a highly configurable desktop environment . This overview assumes that you are using the default environment .
(trg)="s15"> podrazumevano .

(src)="s16"> The &kde ; Desktop
(trg)="s16"> KDE radna površina

(src)="s17"> A typical &kde ; desktop consists of several :
(trg)="s17"> Tipična KDE radna površina se sastoji od tri oblasti :

(src)="s18"> A panel at the bottom of the screen , used to start applications and switch between desktops . Among other things , it contains the Application Starter , a large K icon which displays a menu of applications to start when clicked .
(trg)="s18"> do i drugi Aplikacija do .

(src)="s19"> A taskbar , by default embedded in the panel , used to switch between and manage currently running applications . Click on an application on the taskbar to zip to the application .
(trg)="s19"> do i do do .

(src)="s20"> The desktop itself , on which frequently used files and folders may be placed. &kde ; provides multiple desktops , each of which has its own windows . Click on the numbered buttons on the panel to switch between desktops .
(trg)="s20"> fajlovi i do .

(src)="s21"> Ready , Set , Go !
(trg)="s21"> Spreman Idi !

(src)="s22"> Here are a few quick tips to get you up and running .
(trg)="s22"> do i .

(src)="s23"> To start an application , click on the K button on the panel ( called the <link linkend="starter">Application Starter ) and choose an item from the menu .
(trg)="s23"> Do Aplikacija i odaberi .

(src)="s24"> Click the icon that looks like a folder with a picture of a house on the panel to access the files in your home directory using &konqueror ; , &kde;'s File Manager utility .
(trg)="s24"> do fajlovi direktorijum Konqueror Fajl .

(src)="s25"> Choose Application Starter System Terminal to get a &UNIX ; command prompt , or press <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; F2 to get a mini command prompt window to execute a single command .
(trg)="s25"> Aplikacija do ili Alt do do .

(src)="s26"> Choose the KDE Control Centre item on Application Starter to configure &kde ; .
(trg)="s26"> Centar Aplikacija do .

(src)="s27"> Press <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; Tab to switch between applications and <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl ; Tab to switch between desktops using the keyboard .
(trg)="s27"> Alt do i Ctrl do .

(src)="s28"> Use the &RMB ; mouse button to access context menus for the panel , desktop , and most &kde ; applications .
(trg)="s28"> do i .

(src)="s30"> Using the Application Starter and the Panel
(trg)="s30"> Aplikacija i

(src)="s32"> This button is called the Application Starter . It has a small arrow on the top to indicate that it will pop up a menu if you click on it . Just do it ! The pop-up offers you easy access to all &kde ; applications installed on your computer system .
(trg)="s32"> Uključi do Aplikacija do do .

(src)="s34"> If you use one application or tool very often , then you may want to have even faster access to it , of course . In this case , you can add a single application , or an entire sub-menu of the Application Starter menu , as a special quick-launch button onto the panel . If you want to reach the &kfind ; application directly via a launch button , simply choose Application starter Panel Menu Add Button Find Files ( By this we mean that you should first click the Application Starter , then select Panel Menu where the small arrow to the right indicates that another menu will pop up . In this menu , choose Add , then Button , and in the next sub-menu , Find Files . ) .
(trg)="s34"> ili do do ili Aplikacija do Pronađi Fajlovi odaberi Aplikacija Panelu Meni Dodaj Aplikacija Pronađi Fajlovi Aplikacija Panelu Meni do odaberi Dodaj Aplikacija i Pronađi Fajlovi .

(src)="s36"> you can move all items of the panel around with the move command of the context menu . Just click with the third mouse button ( the third mouse button is normally the right button , but if you have configured your mouse differently , for example for left-handers , it might also be the left one ) . A menu will pop up where you can choose Move . Now move the mouse and see how the icon follows while still staying on the panel . When you are done , simply hit the first mouse button ( by default the left one ) . As you have may have noticed , there is also a menu entry Remove in case you are tired of a certain launch button on your desktop .
(trg)="s36"> odaberi Pomeri i napisao podrazumevano Ukloni .

(src)="s38"> This leads us to another interesting topic : in many places , you can click the right mouse button to display a context menu with choices that are applicable to the item you clicked . It is therefore always a good idea to try out the third mouse button on something , if you do not know what to do with it . Even the background of the desktops has such a menu !
(trg)="s38"> do do do do do !

(src)="s39"> Other Panel features
(trg)="s39"> Ostalo Panelu

(src)="s40"> There are other interesting things possible with the panel . One may be important if you have a low resolution on your monitor : it is the hide-and-show function , activated by clicking on the textured bar on the left edge of the panel .
(trg)="s40"> drugi i prikaži napisao .

(src)="s43"> By the way , if you are not sure what a certain button does in &kde ; , just move the mouse pointer over it and wait for a short while : &kde ; has a built-in mini context help , called tool tips , which explains the functionality of such controls in a few words .
(trg)="s43"> i .

(src)="s44"> But I want my command line back !
(trg)="s44"> red !

(src)="s45"> Just calm down , there is nothing to fear . &kde ; does not want to take your beloved ( and sometimes very effective ) command line away from you . You can move your files with the desktop , but you can also use the &UNIX ; commands you are accustomed to . In fact,&kde ; puts command line power at your fingertips , in perhaps some surprising places .
(trg)="s45"> do do i red fajlovi do .

(src)="s46"> &kde ; provides a very sophisticated command line window called &konsole ; . Choose application starter System Terminal to start it . This may be something you want on your panel , luckily it's already there in the default configuration !
(trg)="s46"> red do !

(src)="s56"> If you have not already done so , start an application using the <link linkend="starter"> Application Starter , like Find Files .
(trg)="s56"> Aplikacija Pronađi Fajlovi .

(src)="s58"> Well , usually people work inside windows , but sometimes you may want to manipulate windows . Here's a quick overview of some of the most common window related functions :
(trg)="s58"> do :

(src)="s59"> Move a window
(trg)="s59"> Pomeri

(src)="s60"> Drag the window's title bar , or hold the &Alt ; key down and drag anywhere in the window .
(trg)="s60"> ili Alt i .

(src)="s62"> Drag the window's border , or hold the &Alt ; key down and drag with the &RMB ; mouse button anywhere in the window .
(trg)="s62"> ili Alt i .

(src)="s63"> Maximise a window
(trg)="s63"> Maksimizuj

(src)="s64"> Click the maximise button in the title bar ( in the default decoration it is the square , next to the X ) to make the window fill the screen , or if the window is already maximised , to shrink it back to it's original size . Clicking with the &MMB ; maximises the window vertically ; the &RMB ; , horizontally .
(trg)="s64"> do do ili do do .

(src)="s66"> Click the iconify button in the title bar ( next to Maximise ) to hide the window . Get it back by clicking on the window's icon in the taskbar .
(trg)="s66"> do Maksimizuj do napisao .

(src)="s68"> Aside from the usual mouse click to switch to another window , you can use <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; Tab to switch windows . See below for more techniques .
(trg)="s68"> do do Alt do .

(src)="s70"> &kde ; windows have some pretty standard buttons on their title bars which give you fast access to some common operations . The default button layout looks like this :
(trg)="s70"> do podrazumevano :

(src)="s71"> On the left side :
(trg)="s71"> Uključi :

(src)="s72"> A menu button . This usually shows a mini icon for the application . Click on it to get a window operations menu . Shortcut : <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; F3 opens the window menu .
(trg)="s72"> do Prečica Alt .

(src)="s74"> On the right side :
(trg)="s74"> Uključi :

(src)="s77"> A close button . This closes the window . Shortcut : <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; F4 .
(trg)="s77"> Prečica Alt .

(src)="s79"> Now that we know how to deal with windows we encourage you to open some other windows with the panel since we will now discuss how to switch between different windows . Since this is such a common activity , &kde ; offers several ways to do it ; pick your favourite !
(trg)="s79"> do do drugi do do !

(src)="s80"> Many window systems require you to click the mouse in another window to begin using it . This is &kde;'s default behaviour , termed Click To Focus focus policy . But you can also configure your desktop in a way that moving the mouse pointer onto a window will activate it . This is called Focus Follow Mouse . If you select this policy using the <link linkend="configure">KDE Control Centre , the window under the mouse pointer is always the active one . It doesn't necessarily come to the front automatically , but you can still click onto the title bar or the border of a window or , a &kde ; special , you can use the &Alt ; key and click the middle mouse button anywhere on the window to raise it .
(trg)="s80"> do do podrazumevano Centar aktivan do ili ili Alt i do .

(src)="s81"> Here are some other methods to switch windows :
(trg)="s81"> drugi do :

(src)="s82"> Pick a window from the window list menu . To open the menu , click the middle mouse button on an empty area of the desktop , or click the icon with several windows on the panel , or finally click the up arrow at the left hand end of the taskbar in the panel .
(trg)="s82"> Izaberi Do prazan ili .

(src)="s83"> Hold down the &Alt ; key and press Tab to cycle through the windows .
(trg)="s83"> Alt i do .

(src)="s86"> The taskbar displays a list of small icons , one for each window on the desktop . In the default &kde ; setup the taskbar is located inside the panel , but it can also be located at the top or the bottom of the screen .
(trg)="s86"> podrazumevano ili .

(src)="s88"> A simple left mouse button click on the taskbar button will pop up a list of the open windows for that application and you can choose the window you want to use . Choosing one of these entries with the left will bring you to the selected window immediately . Click on a taskbar entry with the right and you will see a menu allowing you to operate on all the windows grouped under that icon , or each window individually .
(trg)="s88"> do do .

(src)="s95"> Iconify those windows which you do not need at present and use the taskbar or <keycombo action="simul">&Alt ; Tab to switch between them ( still a bit confusing and much work ! )
(trg)="s95"> i ili Alt do i

(src)="s97"> Item 3 is the way to go ! &kde ; can handle several different desktops , each with its own windows . The default configuration provides four desktops . You can switch between the virtual desktops easily with a click on one of the desktop buttons on the panel . Also <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl ; F1...F8 will send you to the corresponding desktop immediately , or <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl ; Tab will cycle through the desktops .
(trg)="s97"> do podrazumevano Ctrl do ili Ctrl do i do .

(src)="s98"> Virtual desktops are very nice . But sometimes you want a window to be present on every desktop . This could be for example a small chat window or a alarm clock or whatever . In this case you can use the above mentioned sticky button which will pin the window on the background so that it will appear on every virtual desktop .
(trg)="s98"> do ili ili .

(src)="s99"> The sticky button can also be used to move a window from one virtual desktop to another one : push the sticky pin on the window , switch to a different desktop , and release the pin by pushing it again . You can achieve the same result by using the context pop-up menu of the window's entry in the taskbar ( menu item To Current Desktop ) or the To Desktop option on the window operations menu .
(trg)="s99"> do do do i napisao ili do .

(src)="s101"> A common metaphor of graphical desktops is the use of folders to represent directories on your hard disk . Folders contain files and other folders . A &kde ; application called &konqueror ; , the K File Manager , uses this metaphor to help you manage your files .
(trg)="s101"> do direktorijumi fajlovi i drugi Konqueror Fajl do fajlovi .

(src)="s103"> The first time you start &kde ; , a window with lots of icons in it appears . This is a &konqueror ; window displaying the files in your home directory ( the area where your personal files are stored ) . The pathname of the folder is displayed under the window's tool bar . If you don't see such a window now , click the icon on the panel that looks like a folder with a picture of a house .
(trg)="s103"> Konqueror fajlovi direktorijum fajlovi .

(src)="s104"> To open a file or folder , simply click it once with the &LMB ; mouse button . You can also choose Window Show Sidebar from the menu to display the folder hierarchy for more direct navigation . Or you can edit the path displayed under the tool bar to get to a specific directory quickly .
(trg)="s104"> Do fajl ili odaberi Prikaži do do do direktorijum .

(src)="s106"> &kde ; comes with a set of applications to view and edit many common kinds of files , and when you click a file containing , say , a document or image , &konqueror ; will start the appropriate application to display the file . If it doesn't know what application to start to open a file you clicked , &konqueror ; will prompt you for the name of the application to run , and when you have chosen , &konqueror ; will offer to remember your choice for next time you open on of those files .
(trg)="s106"> do i fajlovi i fajl ili Konqueror do fajl do do fajl Konqueror do .

(src)="s107"> &konqueror ; uses <link linkend="mime">MIME typesto associate files with applications .
(trg)="s107"> Konqueror do fajlovi .

(src)="s108"> Dragging and Dropping Icons
(trg)="s108"> i

(src)="s109"> To copy or move a file , simply drag its icon to the desktop , to another &konqueror ; window , or to a folder icon . When you release the button , &konqueror ; displays a menu to allow you to choose to copy , move , or create a link to the file .
(trg)="s109"> Do ili fajl do do Konqueror ili do Konqueror do do odaberi do ili link do fajl .

(src)="s110"> Note that if you choose to create a link , &kde ; creates a &UNIX ; symbolic link ( not a hard link ) , so if you move or delete the original file , the link will be broken .
(trg)="s110"> odaberi do link link link ili fajl link .

(src)="s111"> Most &kde ; applications also support drag and drop operations : you can drag an icon onto a window of running application , or onto an icon of an application that is not started , to have the application open the file . Try it !
(trg)="s111"> i ili do fajl !

(src)="s112"> Setting File Properties
(trg)="s112"> Podešavanje Fajl

(src)="s113"> To change file properties , such as its name and permissions , &RMB ; click the icon and choose Properties from the menu .
(trg)="s113"> Do fajl i i odaberi Svojstva .

(src)="s114"> Working with Archives and Networks
(trg)="s114"> i

(src)="s115"> In the near past , you needed special software to access files on the Internet . Not any more !
(trg)="s115"> do fajlovi !

(src)="s116"> &kde ; supports a technology called Network Transparent Access ( NTA ) which allows you to work with files on the other side of the earth as easily as those on your local hard disk .
(trg)="s116"> do fajlovi drugi .

(src)="s117"> For example , to access files on an &FTP ; server , just choose Location Open Location from a &konqueror ; menu , and enter the URL of an &FTP ; server . You can drag and drop files to and from the folders on the server just as if they were on your local disk . You'll even be able to open files on the &FTP ; server without having to copy them to your local disk ( &kde ; does it for you when necessary ) .
(trg)="s117"> Za do fajlovi odaberi Lokacija Otvori Lokacija Konqueror i URL i fajlovi do i do fajlovi do do .

(src)="s118"> Note that &konqueror ; uses anonymous &FTP ; access , which may restrict your access to files on the &FTP ; server . If you have an account on the server , you can supply your user ID as part of the URL , like this : ftp : / / userid @ server / directory
(trg)="s118"> Konqueror do fajlovi URL :

(src)="s119"> &konqueror ; will prompt you for your password , and if the login succeeds , you will have full access to your files on the server .
(trg)="s119"> Konqueror i do fajlovi .

(src)="s120"> If you are used to the WinZip utility on &Microsoft ; &Windows ; , then you will be happy to hear that &kde ; can look into tar archives , too . It treats such archives just like a normal folder , and you can browse into the archive , open files , &etc ; In general , accessing files on the Internet and in archives should look and feel just like accessing files on your local disk , except for delays imposed by the network .
(trg)="s120"> do Prozori do običan pregledaj fajlovi opšte fajlovi i i fajlovi napisao .

(src)="s121"> Using Templates to access Applications and Devices
(trg)="s121"> Šabloni do Aplikacije i

(src)="s123"> Applications
(trg)="s123"> Aplikacije

(src)="s124"> Printers
(trg)="s124"> Štampači

(src)="s125"> Mountable Devices ( &eg ; floppy drives )
(trg)="s125"> Uređaji

(src)="s126"> Internet resources ( &eg ; WWW documents , &FTP ; directories )
(trg)="s126"> direktorijumi

(src)="s129"> Nearly every item in the Application Starter , on the desktop , and on the panel refers to a <literal role="extension">.desktopfile on disk . The <literal role="extension">.desktopfile specifies what icon to display , as well as specific information about what the icon represents ( an application , device , or URL ). You can drag any <literal role="extension">.desktopfile to the panel to create a quick-launch button .
(trg)="s129"> Aplikacija i do fajl fajl do ili URL fajl do do .

(src)="s130"> Mounting devices
(trg)="s130"> Montiram

(src)="s131"> &UNIX ; provides access to storage devices other than the primary hard disk through a process called mounting . &kde ; uses <literal role="extension">.desktopfiles to allow you to easily mount , unmount , and access files on secondary storage devices such as floppy drives and &cdrom ; drives .
(trg)="s131"> do drugi fajlovi do do i fajlovi i .