# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/cupsdconf.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_vi/messages/cupsdconf.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Root
(trg)="s1"> Root
(src)="s2"> All printers
(trg)="s2"> Mo.i ma`y in
(src)="s3"> All classes
(trg)="s3"> Mo.i lo+ ' p
(src)="s4"> Print jobs
(trg)="s4"> Co^ng vie^.c cu?a ma ' y in
(src)="s5"> Administration
(trg)="s5"> Qua?n li '
(src)="s6"> Class
(trg)="s6"> Lo+ ' p
(src)="s7"> Printer
(trg)="s7"> Ma ' y in
(src)="s8"> Root
(trg)="s8"> Root
(src)="s9"> Short Help ...
(trg)="s9"> Ho^~ tro+ . tu+ ' c tho+`i.. .
(src)="s10"> CUPS Server Configuration
(trg)="s10"> Ca^' u hi`nh ma 'y chu ? CUPS
(src)="s11"> Error while loading configuration file !
(trg)="s11"> Lo^~i khi ta?i va`o file ca^ ' u hi`nh !
(src)="s12"> CUPS Configuration Error
(trg)="s12"> lo^~i ca^`u hi`nh CUPS
(src)="s15"> Unable to find a running CUPS server
(trg)="s15"> Kho^ng ti`m va` cha.y ddu+o+.c ma ' y chu ? CUPS
(src)="s16"> Unable to restart CUPS server ( pid = %1 )
(trg)="s16"> Kho^ng kho+?i ddo^.ng ddu+o+.c CUP server ( pid =%1 )
(src)="s17"> Unable to retrieve configuration file from the CUPS server . You probably don't have the access permissions to perform this operation .
(trg)="s17"> Kho^ng nha^.n ddu+o+.c file ca^ ' u hi`nh tu+` ma' y chu ? CUPS.Ba.n co ' the^ ? kho^ng co ' ddu ? quye^`n dde^ ? thu+.c hie^.n ta ' cvu . na`y
(src)="s18"> Internal error : file ' %1 ' not readable/writable !
(trg)="s18"> Lo^~i no^.i bo^. : file %1 kho^ng ddo.c hay vie^ ' t va`o ddu+o+.c !
(src)="s19"> Internal error : empty file ' %1 ' !
(trg)="s19"> Lo^~i no^.i bo^. : file ro^~ng ' %1 ' !
(src)="s20"> The config file has not been uploaded to the CUPS server . The daemon will not be restarted .
(trg)="s20"> File ca^ ' u hi`nh dda~ kho^ng ddu+o+.c upload va`o ma ' y chu ? CUPS.deamon se~ kho^ng ddu+o+.c kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i
(src)="s21"> Unable to upload the configuration file to CUPS server . You probably don't have the access permissions to perform this operation .
(trg)="s21"> Kho^ng the^ ? ta?i va`o ddu+o+.c file ca^ ' u hi`nh cu?a ma' y chu ? CUPS.Ba.n co ' the^ ? kho^ng co ' ddu ? quye^`n dde^ ? thu+.c hie^.n ta ' c vu . na`y .
(src)="s22"> CUPS configuration error
(trg)="s22"> lo^~i ca^`u hi`nh CUPS
(src)="s23"> Unable to write configuration file %1
(trg)="s23"> Kho^ng the^ ? vie^' t va`o file ca^ 'u hi`nh %1
(src)="s24"> Welcome to the CUPS server configuration tool
(trg)="s24"> Cha`o mu+`ng ba.n dde^' n vo+'i co^ng cu . ca^ 'u hi`nh ma ' y chu ? CUPS
(src)="s25"> Welcome
(trg)="s25"> Xin cha`o
(src)="s26"> This tool will help you to configure graphically the server of the CUPS printing system . The available options are grouped into sets of related topics and can be accessed quickly through the icon view located on the left . Each option has a default value that is shown if it has not been previously set . This default value should be OK in most cases . You can access a short help message for each option using either the ' ? ' button in the the title bar , or the button at the bottom of this dialogue .
(trg)="s26"> This tool will help you to configure graphically the server of the CUPS printing system . The available options are grouped into sets of related topics and can be accessed quickly through the icon view located on the left . Each option has a default value that is shown if it has not been previously set . This default value should be OK in most cases . You can access a short help message for each option using either the ' ? ' button in the the title bar , or the button at the bottom of this dialog .
(src)="s27"> Server
(trg)="s27"> Ma ' y chu ?
(src)="s28"> Server settings
(trg)="s28"> Xa' c la^.p ma 'y chu ?
(src)="s29"> Allow overrides
(trg)="s29"> Cho phe ' p override
(src)="s30"> None
(trg)="s30"> Kho^ng
(src)="s31"> Classified
(trg)="s31"> pha^n loa.i
(src)="s32"> Confidential
(trg)="s32"> Tuye^.t ma^t
(src)="s33"> Secret
(trg)="s33"> Bi ' ma^.t
(src)="s34"> Top Secret
(trg)="s34"> Tuye^.t ma^ ' t
(src)="s35"> Unclassified
(trg)="s35"> Kho^ng pha^n loa.i
(src)="s36"> Other
(trg)="s36"> Kha ' c
(src)="s37"> Server name :
(trg)="s37"> Te^n ma ' y chu? :
(src)="s38"> Server administrator :
(trg)="s38"> Ngu+o+`i qua?n li' ma 'y chu? :
(src)="s39"> Classification :
(trg)="s39"> Pha^n loa.i :
(src)="s40"> Default character set :
(trg)="s40"> Xa' c la^.p ki ' tu+ . ma (.c ddi.nh :
(src)="s41"> Default language :
(trg)="s41"> Ngo^n ngu+~ ma ( .c ddi.nh :
(src)="s42"> Printcap file :
(trg)="s42"> Printcap File :
(src)="s43"> Printcap format :
(trg)="s43"> DDi.nh da.ng Printcap
(src)="s44"> Log
(trg)="s44"> Nha^.t ki '
(src)="s45"> Log settings
(trg)="s45"> Thie^' t la^.p cu?a nha^.t ki '
(src)="s46"> Detailed Debugging
(trg)="s46"> Cu . the^ ? ve^` go+~ ro^ ' i
(src)="s78"> Server binaries :
(trg)="s78"> Te^n ma ' y chu? :
(src)="s79"> Server files :
(trg)="s79"> Te^n ma ' y chu? :
(src)="s101"> Implicit classes
(trg)="s101"> Mo.i lo+ ' p
# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/kmcop.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_vi/messages/kmcop.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> KMCOP
(trg)="s1"> KMCOP
(src)="s2"> KDE MCOP-DCOP Bridge
(trg)="s2"> KDE MCOP-DCOP Bridge
(src)="s3"> Author
(trg)="s3"> Ta ' c gia ?
(src)="s4"> Dwayne Bailey
(trg)="s4"> Nguyen Hung Vu
(src)="s5"> dwayne@translate.org.za
(trg)="s5"> Vu.Hung@techviet.com
# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/libkscreensaver.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_vi/messages/libkscreensaver.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Setup screen saver .
(trg)="s1"> Ca`i dda ( .t screen-saver
(src)="s2"> Run in the specified XWindow .
(trg)="s2"> Cha.y XWindow dda~ ddu+o+.c chi ? ddi.nh
(src)="s3"> Run in the root XWindow .
(trg)="s3"> Cha.y trong root XWindow
(src)="s4"> Start screen saver in demo mode .
(trg)="s4"> Kho+?i ddo^.ng screen-saver du+o+ ' i demo mode
# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/kdeaddons/babelfish.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_vi/messages/kdeaddons/babelfish.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Tr&anslate Web Page
(trg)="s1"> Dịch trang web
(src)="s2"> English to French
(trg)="s2"> Anh - Pháp
(src)="s3"> English to German
(trg)="s3"> Anh - Đức
(src)="s4"> English to Italian
(trg)="s4"> Anh - Y '
(src)="s5"> English to Japanese
(trg)="s5"> Anh - Tây Ban Nha
(src)="s6"> English to Korean
(trg)="s6"> Anh - Đức
(src)="s7"> English to Chinese
(trg)="s7"> Anh - Tây Ban Nha
(src)="s8"> English to Portuguese
(trg)="s8"> Anh - Bồ đào nha
(src)="s9"> English to Spanish
(trg)="s9"> Anh - Tây Ban Nha
(src)="s10"> French to English
(trg)="s10"> Pháp - Anh
(src)="s11"> German to English
(trg)="s11"> Đức - Anh
(src)="s12"> Italian to English
(trg)="s12"> Y ' - Anh
(src)="s13"> Japanese to English
(trg)="s13"> Tây Ban Nha - Anh
(src)="s14"> Korean to English
(trg)="s14"> Đức - Anh
(src)="s15"> Chinese to English
(trg)="s15"> Nga - Anh
(src)="s16"> Portuguese to English
(trg)="s16"> Bồ Đà oNha - Anh
(src)="s17"> Spanish to English
(trg)="s17"> Tây Ban Nha - Anh
(src)="s18"> Russian to English
(trg)="s18"> Nga - Anh
(src)="s19"> German to French
(trg)="s19"> Đức - Anh
(src)="s20"> French to German
(trg)="s20"> Pháp - Đức
(src)="s21"> Cannot translate source
(trg)="s21"> Không dịch được nguồn
(src)="s23"> The URL you entered is not valid , please correct it and try again
(trg)="s23"> URL không đúng . Xin sửa lại và thử một lần nữạ
# KDE/kde_en_GB/messages/kdeaddons/desktop_kdeaddons.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_vi/messages/kdeaddons/desktop_kdeaddons.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Name=Atlantik Designer
(trg)="s1"> Name=Trình thiết kế Qt
(src)="s2"> Comment=Game board designer for Atlantik
(trg)="s2"> Comment=Game quân sư , được thiết kế cho Kde
(src)="s3"> Name=KateFLL
(trg)="s3"> Name=Kate
(src)="s4"> GenericName=Text Editor /FLL
(trg)="s4"> GenericName=Trình soạn văn bản
(src)="s5"> Name=Kate FLL init plugin
(trg)="s5"> Name=Kate XML Plugin
(src)="s7"> Name=Kate File List Loader
(trg)="s7"> Name=Kate TextFilter
(src)="s8"> Comment=Store Kate's file list on disc
(trg)="s8"> Comment=Lớp máy in
(src)="s9"> Name=My first Kate Plugin
(trg)="s9"> Name=Kate Plugin đầu tiên của tôi
(src)="s10"> Comment=Your short description about the plugin goes here
(trg)="s10"> Comment=Yeah , vài dòng vềEplugin
(src)="s11"> Name=Kate HTML Tools
(trg)="s11"> Name=Công cụ Kate HTML
(src)="s12"> Comment=Facilitated insertion of HTML tags
(trg)="s12"> Comment=DềEdàng thêm HTML tag
(src)="s13"> Name=Kate InsertCommand
(trg)="s13"> Name=Lệnh chèn Kate
(src)="s14"> Comment=Insert shell command output into a document
(trg)="s14"> Comment=Chèn xuất lệnh shell vào trong tài liệu
(src)="s15"> Name=Kate Python Browser Plugin
(trg)="s15"> Name=Kate XML Plugin
(src)="s16"> Comment=A Python browser plugin for Kate
(trg)="s16"> Comment=Chương trình Python
(src)="s17"> Name=KPyBrowser
(trg)="s17"> Name=KDBBrowser
(src)="s18"> Comment=
(trg)="s18"> Comment=
(src)="s19"> Name=Kate Modeline Plugin
(trg)="s19"> Name=Kate XML Plugin
(src)="s21"> Name=Kate OpenHeader
(trg)="s21"> Name=Kate OpenHeader
(src)="s22"> Comment=Opens the corresponding .h/[.cpp|.c ] file
(trg)="s22"> Comment=MềEfile .h / [ .cpp|.c ] tương ứng
(src)="s23"> Name=Kate Spell Checker
(trg)="s23"> Name=Công cụ kiểm tra chính tả
(src)="s24"> Comment=Check the spelling of your document
(trg)="s24"> Comment=Tài liệu Microsoft Word