# KDE/kde_en/messages/docs/kdebase/kfind.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kfind.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> The &kfind ; Handbook
(trg)="s1"> Priročnik za &kfind ;
(src)="s2"> Dirk Doerflinger ddoerflinger@web.de
(trg)="s2"> Dirk Doerflinger ddoerflinger@web.de
(trg)="s3"> Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net Prevod
(src)="s4"> Dirk Doerflinger
(trg)="s4"> Dirk Doerflinger
(src)="s5"> &kfind ; is &kde;'s file find utility .
(trg)="s5"> &kfind ; je &kde ;-jev iskalnik datotek .
(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> KDE
(src)="s7"> kdeutils
(trg)="s7"> kdeutils
(src)="s8"> kfind
(trg)="s8"> kfind
(src)="s9"> find
(trg)="s9"> poišči
(src)="s10"> Introduction
(trg)="s10"> Uvod
(src)="s11"> &kfind ; is the &kde ; file find utility .
(trg)="s11"> &kfind ; je &kde ;-jev iskalnik datotek .
(src)="s12"> Launching &kfind ;
(trg)="s12"> Zagon &kfind ;
(src)="s13"> You will find the entry Find Files . This will launch &kfind ; , a handy application for finding files or even expressions within files .
(trg)="s13"> Našli boste izbiro Poišči datoteke . To bo pognalo &kfind ; , priročen program za iskanje datotek in celo izrazov znotraj njih .
(src)="s14"> Finding Files
(trg)="s14"> Iskanje datotek
(src)="s15"> The Name/Location Tab
(trg)="s15"> List Ime in lokacija
(src)="s16"> When starting &kfind ; , you will see a quite simple window . Type in the name of the file you are searching in the textbox labeled Named : , choose a directory where you want to search by typing it in the field Look in : or clicking Browse ... and hit Enter or click Find . If Include subdirectories is checked , all subdirectories starting from your chosen directory will be searched , too . The results will be displayed in the Box below .
(trg)="s16"> Ob zagonu &kfind ; boste videli relativno preprosto okno . V polje Ime : vtipkajte ime datoteke , ki jo iščete , izberite imenik v polju Poglej v : ali pa kliknite gumb Brskaj.. . in pritisnite Enter oziroma kliknite Poišči . Če je polje Vključi podimenike označeno , bodo preiskani tudi vsi podimeniki izbranega imenika . Rzultati bodo prikazani v polju , ki je pod izbirami .
(src)="s17"> You can use the following wildcards :
(trg)="s17"> Uporabite lahko naslednje džokerje :
(src)="s18"> The Asterisk *
(trg)="s18"> Zvezdica *
(src)="s19"> The asterisk stands for any number of missing characters ( even zero ) , that means &eg ; searching for marc* may find the files marc , marc.png and marc_must_not_read_this.kwd . Otherwise , mar*.kwd may find marketplace.kwd and marc_must_not_read_this.kwd .
(trg)="s19"> Zvezdica predstavlja poljubno število manjkajočih znakov ( tudi nič) , kar &npr ; pomeni , da bo iskanje marc* vrnilo marc , marc.png in marc_must_not_read_this.kwd . mar*.kwd pa bo morda našel marketplace.kwd in marc_must_not_read_this.kwd .
(src)="s20"> The Question Mark ?
(trg)="s20"> Vprašaj ?
(src)="s21"> In contrast to the asterisk , the question mark stands for exacly one character , so mar ? will find marc , but marc ? won't find anything , as our files are called marc and marc.png . You can put as many question marks in the term as you want , it will find exactly that number of characters .
(trg)="s21"> V nasprotju z zvezdico predstavlja vprašaj natančno en znak , tako da bo mar ? našel marc , medtem ko marc ? ne bo našel ničesar , saj se naše datoteke imenujejo marc in marc.png . Dodate lahko kolikor vprašaje želite , najdene bodo le datoteke , katerih ime ustreza številu znakov .
(src)="s22"> Of course you can combine those two wildcard symbols in a search term .
(trg)="s22"> Seveda pa lahko v iskalnem izrazu džokerje poljubno kombinirate .
(src)="s23"> The Date Range Tab
(trg)="s23"> List Obseg dneva
(src)="s24"> In this tab you can tell &kfind ; the date period when the file(s ) to be found have been created or edited last time .
(trg)="s24"> V tem listu lahko poveste &kfind ; časovno obdobje , v katerem so bile datoteke ustvarjene zadnjič urejane .
(src)="s25"> Choosing All files will tell &kfind ; not to worry about dates . If you check Find all files created or modified : , you can either enter two dates , between which the files were changed or created , or specify a period of previous months or days where the files should lay in .
(trg)="s25"> Izbira Vse datoteke bo povedala &kfind ; , naj ga ne skrbi glede datumov . Če označite Poišči vse datoteke , narejene ali spremenjene : lahko vnesete datuma , med katerima je bila datoteka spremenjena ali ustvarjena , ali pa določite obdobje prejšnjih mesecev in dni , v katerem naj leži datoteka .
(src)="s26"> The Advanced Tab
(trg)="s26"> List Napredno
(src)="s27"> Here you can refine your search or only look for files that contain a specific word or phrase .
(trg)="s27"> Tu lahko izboljšate vaše iskanje ali pa iščete datoteke , ki vsebujejo specifične besede ali fraze .
(src)="s28"> These are the special refinements you can choose :
(trg)="s28"> Izbirate lahko med naslednjimi izboljšavami :
(src)="s29"> Of Type
(trg)="s29"> Tip
(src)="s30"> Here you can specify the type of file you are searching for .
(trg)="s30"> Tukaj lahko določite zvrst datoteke , ki jo iščete .
(src)="s31"> Containing Text
(trg)="s31"> Vsebovano besedilo
(src)="s32"> Type in the word or phrase the files you are searching for must contain . Note : If you do this in a large directory or checked Include Subfolders , this may take a long time .
(trg)="s32"> Vnesite besedo ali izraz , ki ga nja vsebuje datoteka , ki jo iščete . Upoštevajte , da lahko iskanje , če to naredite v velikem imeniku ali pa označite Vključi podimenike traja zelo dolgo .
(src)="s33"> Size is :
(trg)="s33"> Velikost :
(src)="s34"> Here you can specify if the file has to be at least or as most as big as the size ( in KB ) you entered in the following box .
(trg)="s34"> Tu lahko določite , ali mora biti datoteka vsaj ali največ tako velika ( v KB ) , kot ste vnesli v sledeče polje .
(src)="s35"> Case Sensitive
(trg)="s35"> Loči velike in male črke
(src)="s36"> Usually , &kfind ; doesn't matter of cases , so searching for marc.png will find marc.png and Marc.png . If you enable this option , it will only find files with the exact case matching , in our example only marc.png .
(trg)="s36"> Običajno se &kfind ; ne ozira na velikost črk , tako da iskanje marc.png vrne tako marc.png kot tudi Marc.png . Če omogočite to možnost , bodo najdene le datoteke , z natako ujemejočo se velikostjo črk , v gornjem primeru le marc.png .
(src)="s37"> Use Regular Expression Matching
(trg)="s37"> Uporabi ujemanje v regularnih izrazih
(src)="s38"> If you have installed the &kregexpeditor ; tool from the kdeutils package , you will have this additional option . Enabling it will allow you to search for a regexp or regular expression . A regexp is a way to specify conditions for your search , and they can be very complex , and equally they can be very powerful . If you are unfamiliar with regular expressions , you can choose Edit Regular Expression to open &kregexpeditor ; . This tool allows you to construct your set of conditions graphically , and then generates the expression for you .
(trg)="s38"> Če ste namestili orodje &kregexpeditor ; iz paketa kdeutils , potem imate na voljo to dodatno možnost . Če bo omogočena , boste lahko iskali regexp ali regularni izraz . Regexp je način določevanja pogojev za vaše iskanje in ti so lahko zelo zapleteni in tudi zelo zmogljivi . Če ne poznate regularnih izrazov lahko izberete Uredi regularni izraz , da odprete &kregexpeditor ; . To orodje vam omogoča grafično načrtovanje množice pogojev in nato ustvari izraz za vas .
(src)="s39"> &kregexpeditor ; is a very useful tool , and can be used from within many &kde ; applications other than &kfind ; . You can find more information from within it's own help file .
(trg)="s39"> &kregexpeditor ; je zelo uporabno orodje in se lahko uporablja iz mnogih programov &kde ; , ne le &kfind ; . Več podatkov o njem lahko najdete v njegovi lastni datoteki s pomočjo .
(src)="s40"> Credits and License
(trg)="s40"> Zahvale in licenca
(src)="s41"> &kfind ;
(trg)="s41"> &kfind ;
(src)="s42"> Program copyright :
(trg)="s42"> Avtorske pravice ( copyright ) :
(src)="s43"> Developers
(trg)="s43"> Razvijalci
(src)="s44"> Martin Hartig
(trg)="s44"> Martin Hartig
(src)="s45"> Stephan Kulow coolo@kde.org
(trg)="s45"> Stephan Kulow coolo@kde.org
(src)="s46"> Mario Weilguni mweilguni@sime.com
(trg)="s46"> Mario Weilguni mweilguni@sime.com
(src)="s47"> Alex Zepeda jazepeda@pacbell.net
(trg)="s47"> Alex Zepeda jazepeda@pacbell.net
(src)="s48"> Miroslav Fl?r flidr@kky.zcu.cz
(trg)="s48"> Miroslav Fl?r flidr@kky.zcu.cz
(src)="s49"> Harri Porten porten@kde.org
(trg)="s49"> Harri Porten porten@kde.org
(src)="s50"> Dima Rogozin dima@mercury.co.il
(trg)="s50"> Dima Rogozin dima@mercury.co.il
(src)="s51"> Carsten Pfeiffer pfeiffer@kde.org
(trg)="s51"> Carsten Pfeiffer pfeiffer@kde.org
(src)="s52"> Hans Petter Bieker bieker@kde.org
(trg)="s52"> Hans Petter Bieker bieker@kde.org
(src)="s53"> Waldo Bastian bastian@kde.org
(trg)="s53"> Waldo Bastian bastian@kde.org
(src)="s54"> Documentation copyright 2001 Dirk Doerflinger ddoerflinger@web.de
(trg)="s54"> Documentation copyright 2001 Dirk Doerflinger ddoerflinger@web.de
(trg)="s55"> Prevod : Andrej Vernekar andrej.vernekar@moj.net
(src)="s56"> Installation
(trg)="s56"> Namestitev
(src)="s57"> How to obtain &kfind ;
(trg)="s57"> Kako pridobiti &kfind ;
(src)="s58"> Requirements
(trg)="s58"> Zahteve
(src)="s59"> In order to successfully use &kfind ; , you need &kde ; 3.x .
(trg)="s59"> Da lahko uspešno uporabljate &kfind ; , rabite &kde ; 3.x .
(src)="s60"> Compilation and Installation
(trg)="s60"> Prevajanje in namestitev
(src)="s61"> &kicker ;
(trg)="s61"> &kicker ;
(src)="s62"> &kfind ; is part of the &kde ; project http://www.kde.org . &kfind ; can be found in the kdeutils package on ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde / , the main &FTP ; site of the &kde ; project .
(trg)="s62"> &kfind ; je del projekta &kde ; http : / /www.kde.org . Nahaja se v paketu kdeutils na ftp : / /ftp.kde.org / pub / kde / , glavni &FTP ; strani projekta &kde ; .
(src)="s63"> In order to compile and install &kfind ; on your system , type the following in the base directory of the kdeutils distribution :
(trg)="s63"> Da prevedete in namestite &kfind ; vtipkajte naslednje vosnovni imenik distribucije kdeutils :
(src)="s64"> % ./configure % make % make install
(trg)="s64"> % . / configure % make % make install
(src)="s65"> Since &kfind ; uses autoconf and automake you should have no trouble compiling it . Should you run into problems please report them to the &kde ; mailing lists .
(trg)="s65"> Ker &kfind ; uporablja autoconf in automake pri prevajanju ne bi smeli naleteti na težave . Če pa vendarle boste , potem jih sporočite poštnim seznamom &kde ; .
# KDE/kde_en/messages/docs/kdebase/kcontrol.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sl/messages/docs/kdebase/kcontrol.po.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> The &kcontrolcenter ;
(trg)="s1"> Nadzorno središče &kde ;
(src)="s2"> Michael McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(trg)="s2"> Michael McBride mpmcbride7@yahoo.com
(src)="s3"> This documentation describes &kde;'s control center .
(trg)="s3"> Ta dokumentacija opisuje Nadzorno središče &kde ; .
(src)="s4"> KDE
(trg)="s4"> KDE
(src)="s5"> kcontrol
(trg)="s5"> kcontrol
(src)="s6"> configuration
(trg)="s6"> nastavitev
(src)="s7"> settings
(trg)="s7"> nastavitve
(src)="s8"> module
(trg)="s8"> modul
(src)="s9"> The &kcontrolcenter ; ( from now on referred to simply as the control center ) provides you with a centralized and convenient way to configure all of your &kde ; settings .
(trg)="s9"> Nadzorno središče KDE ( od sedaj naprej preprosto le nadzorno središče ) ponuja centraliziran in udoben način nastavljanja lastnosti &kde ; .
(src)="s10"> The control center is made up of multiple modules . Each module is a separate application , but the control center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location .
(trg)="s10"> Nadzorno središče je zgrajeno iz mnogih modulov . Vsak modul je samostojen program , vendar pa Nadzorno središče uredi vse te programe na eni sami , udobni lokaciji .
(src)="s11"> Each control center module can be executed individually
(trg)="s11"> Vsak modul nadzornega središča se lahko izvede samostojno
(src)="s12"> See section entitled Running individual control center modules for more information .
(trg)="s12"> Poglejte razdelek Zagon posameznih modulov za več informacij .
(src)="s13"> The control center groups the configuration modules into categories , so they are easy to locate . Within each category , the control center shows all the modules in a list , so it is easier to find the right configuration module .
(trg)="s13"> Nadzorno središče združuje nastavitvene module v kategorije tako , da jih je lahko najti . Znotraj vsake kategorije nadzorno središče prikaže vse module v obliki seznama , tako da je lažje najti ustrezen nastavitveni modul .
(src)="s14"> Using The &kcontrolcenter ;
(trg)="s14"> Uporaba nadzornega središča ;
(src)="s15"> This next section details the use of the control center itself . For information on individual modules , please see Control Center Modules
(trg)="s15"> Naslednji razdelek podrobno opisuje uporabo nadzornega središča samega . Za informacije o posameznih modulih poglejte prosim v Moduli nadzornega središča
(src)="s16"> Starting the &kcontrol ;
(trg)="s16"> Zagon &kcontrol ; -a
(src)="s17"> The &kcontrolcenter ; can be started 3 ways :
(trg)="s17"> Nadzorno središče lahko poženete na 3 načine :
(src)="s18"> By selecting K Button Control Center from the &kde ; Panel .
(trg)="s18"> Z izbiro gumba K Nadzorno središče s &kde ; pulta .
(src)="s19"> By pressing &Alt ; F2 .
(trg)="s19"> S pritiskom &Alt ; F2 .
(src)="s20"> This will bring up a dialog box . Type kcontrol , and click Run .
(trg)="s20"> To bo prikazalo pogovorno okno . Vtpikajte kcontrol in kliknite Poženi .
(src)="s21"> You can type kcontrol &amp ; at any command prompt .
(trg)="s21"> Na katerikoli lupini lahko vtipkate kcontrol &amp ; .
(src)="s22"> All three of these methods are equivalent , and produce the same result .
(trg)="s22"> Vse tri metode so enakovredne in dajo enak rezultat .
(src)="s23"> The &kcontrolcenter ; Screen
(trg)="s23"> Zaslon nadzornega središča
(src)="s24"> When you start the control center , you are presented with a window , which can be divided into 3 functional parts .
(trg)="s24"> Ko poženete nadzorno središče se pojavi okno , ki je lahko razdeljeno na 3 funkcijske dele .
(src)="s25"> Screenshot
(trg)="s25"> Posnetek zaslona
(src)="s26"> The &kde ; Control Center Screen
(trg)="s26"> Zaslon nadzornega središča &kde ;
(src)="s27"> Across the top is a menubar . The menubar will provide you with quick access to most of &kcontrolcenter;'s features . The menus are detailed in The &kde ; Control Center Menus .
(trg)="s27"> Na vrhu je izbirna letev . Ta vam ponuja hiter dostop do večine možnosti , ki jih ponuja Nadzorno središče . Menuji so podrobneje opisani v Menuji nadzornega središča &kde ;
(src)="s28"> Along the left hand side , is a column . This is a where you choose which module to configure . You can learn how to navigate through the modules in the section called Navigating Modules .
(trg)="s28"> Na levi strani je stolpec . Tukaj izbirate katere module želite nastaviti . O tem , kako navigirati po modulih se lahko poučite v razdelku Navigacijski moduli .
(src)="s29"> The main panel shows you some system information .
(trg)="s29"> Siv pravokotnik ( s čarovnikom ) vam prikazuje nekatere uporabne sistemske informacije .
(src)="s30"> In this example , we are running &kde ; 2.99 , we started &kcontrolcenter ; as user adridg , the computer is named aramis , it is a FreeBSD system , Version 4.4-RELEASE , on a Pentium .
(trg)="s30"> V tem primeru delamo v &kde ; 2.2 , Nadzorno središče pa smo pognali kot uporabnik matej , računalnik se imenuje streznik , operacijski sistem je &Linux ; , jedro različice 2.2.14-5 , na Pentiumu .
(src)="s31"> The &kcontrol ; Menus
(trg)="s31"> Menuji &kcontrol ; -a
(src)="s32"> This next section gives you a brief description of what each menu item does .
(trg)="s32"> Naslednji razdelek vam poda kratek opis , kaj dela vsak ukaz posebej v menujih .
(src)="s33"> File Menu
(trg)="s33"> Menu Datoteka
(src)="s34"> The File menu has a single entry .
(trg)="s34"> Menu Datoteka ima le en vnos .
(src)="s35"> &Ctrl ; Q File Quit
(trg)="s35"> &Ctrl ; Q Datoteka Končaj