# KDE/kde_en/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sr/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> The &khelpcenter ;
(trg)="s1"> &Khelpcenter ;



(src)="s4"> KDE
(trg)="s4"> KDE

(src)="s5"> kdebase
(trg)="s5"> kdebase

(src)="s6"> khelpcenter
(trg)="s6"> khelpcenter

(src)="s7"> kdehelp
(trg)="s7"> kdepomoć

(src)="s8"> help
(trg)="s8"> pomoć

(src)="s9"> help center
(trg)="s9"> centar za pomoć

(src)="s10"> KDE help center
(trg)="s10"> KDE centar za pomoć

# KDE/kde_en/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter_quickstart.po.xml.gz
# KDE/kde_sr/messages/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter_quickstart.po.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> An Introduction to &kde ;
(trg)="s1"> Pozivnica za &kde ;

(src)="s2"> The KDE Team
(trg)="s2"> KDE Tim


(src)="s4"> An introduction to the K Desktop Environment
(trg)="s4"> Uvod u K Desktop Enviroment

(src)="s5"> Quick Start Guide to &kde ;
(trg)="s5"> Vodič za brzi start za &kde ;

(src)="s6"> KDE
(trg)="s6"> KDE

(src)="s7"> quick start
(trg)="s7"> brzi start

(src)="s8"> introduction
(trg)="s8"> uvod

(src)="s9"> Introduction
(trg)="s9"> Uvod

(src)="s10"> This document is a brief introduction to the K Desktop Environment . It will familiarize you with some of the basic features of &kde ; .
(trg)="s10"> Ovaj dokument je kratak uvod u K Desktop Enviroment . On ce vas zbližiti sa nekim osnovnim mogućnostima &kde ; -a .

(src)="s11"> This guide is far from covering all aspects of the K Desktop or even most of them . It will only describe some of the most basic ways to accomplish a few of the most common tasks .
(trg)="s11"> Ovaj vodič je daleko od pokrivanja svih aspekata KDE-a ili čak većine . On će samo opisati neke od najosnovnijih načina da se obavi par najuobičajenijih zadataka .

(src)="s12"> We assume that you are already familiar with at least one graphical user interface , for example CDE , Geos , GEM , &NeXTSTEP ; , &Mac ; , OS/2 or &Microsoft ; &Windows ; . So we will not explain the usage of the mouse or the keyboard but concentrate on hopefully more interesting things .
(trg)="s12"> ili Prozori ili .

(src)="s13"> An Overview of &kde ;
(trg)="s13"> Pregled &kde ; -a

(src)="s14"> This section is for users who prefer to learn by exploring and want only a brief orientation to get started . Later sections provide a more thorough introduction to the environment , with helpful hints and shortcuts . If you are impatient to get started , skim this section , go play for a bit , then come back and peruse the other sections of this guide as needed .
(trg)="s14"> korisnike do napisao i do do i do i drugi .

(src)="s15"> &kde ; provides a highly configurable desktop environment . This overview assumes that you are using the default environment .
(trg)="s15"> podrazumevano .

(src)="s16"> The &kde ; Desktop
(trg)="s16"> KDE radna površina

(src)="s17"> A typical &kde ; desktop consists of several parts :
(trg)="s17"> Tipična KDE radna površina se sastoji od tri oblasti :

(src)="s18"> A panel at the bottom of the screen , used to start applications and switch between desktops . Among other things , it contains the Application Starter , a large K icon which displays a menu of applications to start when clicked .
(trg)="s18"> do i drugi Aplikacija do .

(src)="s19"> A taskbar , by default embedded in the panel , used to switch between and manage currently running applications . Click on an application on the taskbar to zip to the application .
(trg)="s19"> do i do do .

(src)="s20"> The desktop itself , on which frequently used files and folders may be placed. &kde ; provides multiple desktops , each of which has its own windows . Click on the numbered buttons on the panel to switch between desktops .
(trg)="s20"> fajlovi i do .

(src)="s21"> Ready , Set , Go !
(trg)="s21"> Spreman Idi !

(src)="s22"> Here are a few quick tips to get you up and running .
(trg)="s22"> do i .

(src)="s23"> To start an application , click on the K button on the panel ( called the Application Starter ) and choose an item from the menu .
(trg)="s23"> Do Aplikacija i odaberi .

(src)="s24"> Click the icon that looks like a folder with a picture of a house on the panel to access the files in your home directory using &konqueror ; , &kde;'s File Manager utility .
(trg)="s24"> do fajlovi direktorijum Konqueror Fajl .

(src)="s25"> Choose Application Starter System Terminal to get a &UNIX ; command prompt , or press &Alt ; F2 to get a mini command prompt window to execute a single command .
(trg)="s25"> Aplikacija do ili Alt do do .

(src)="s26"> Choose the KDE Control Center item on Application Starter to configure &kde ; .
(trg)="s26"> Centar Aplikacija do .

(src)="s27"> Press &Alt ; Tab to switch between applications and &Ctrl ; Tab to switch between desktops using the keyboard .
(trg)="s27"> Alt do i Ctrl do .

(src)="s28"> Use the &RMB ; mouse button to access context menus for the panel , desktop , and most &kde ; applications .
(trg)="s28"> do i .

(src)="s30"> Using the Application Starter and the Panel
(trg)="s30"> Aplikacija i

(src)="s32"> This button is called the Application Starter . It has a small arrow on the top to indicate that it will pop up a menu if you click on it . Just do it ! The pop-up offers you easy access to all &kde ; applications installed on your computer system .
(trg)="s32"> Uključi do Aplikacija do do .

(src)="s34"> If you use one application or tool very often , then you may want to have even faster access to it , of course . In this case , you can add a single application , or an entire sub-menu of the Application Starter menu , as a special quick-launch button , on to the panel . If you want to reach the &kfind ; application directly via a launch button , simply choose Application Starter Panel Menu Add Button Find Files ( By this we mean that you should first click the Application Starter , then select Panel Menu , where the small arrow to the right indicates that another menu will pop up . In this menu , choose Add , then Button , and in the next sub-menu , Find Files ).
(trg)="s34"> ili do do ili Aplikacija do Pronađi Fajlovi odaberi Aplikacija Panelu Meni Dodaj Aplikacija Pronađi Fajlovi Aplikacija Panelu Meni do odaberi Dodaj Aplikacija i Pronađi Fajlovi .

(src)="s36"> You can move all items of the panel around with the move command of the context menu . Just click with the third mouse button ( the third mouse button is normally the right button , but if you have configured your mouse differently , for example for left-handers , it might also be the left one ) . A menu will pop up where you can choose Move . Now move the mouse and see how the icon follows while still staying on the panel . When you are done , simply hit the first mouse button ( by default the left one ) . As you may have noticed , there is also a menu entry Remove in case you are tired of a certain launch button on your desktop .
(trg)="s36"> odaberi Pomeri i napisao podrazumevano Ukloni .

(src)="s38"> This leads us to another interesting topic : in many places , you can click the right mouse button to display a context menu with choices that are applicable to the item you clicked . It is therefore always a good idea to try out the third mouse button on something , if you do not know what to do with it . Even the background of the desktops has such a menu !
(trg)="s38"> do do do do do !

(src)="s39"> Other Panel features
(trg)="s39"> Ostalo Panelu

(src)="s40"> There are other interesting things possible with the panel . One may be important if you have a low resolution on your monitor : it is the hide-and-show function , activated by clicking on the small arrowed button , which is at one or both ends of the panel .
(trg)="s40"> drugi i prikaži napisao .

(src)="s43"> By the way , if you are not sure what a certain button does in &kde ; , just move the mouse pointer over it and wait for a short while : &kde ; has a built-in mini context help , called tool tips , which explains the functionality of such controls in a few words .
(trg)="s43"> i .

(src)="s44"> But I want my command line back !
(trg)="s44"> red !

(src)="s45"> Just calm down , there is nothing to fear . &kde ; does not want to take your beloved ( and sometimes very effective ) command line away from you . You can move your files with the desktop , but you can also use the &UNIX ; commands you are accustomed to . In fact,&kde ; puts command line power at your fingertips , in perhaps some surprising places .
(trg)="s45"> do do i red fajlovi do .

(src)="s46"> &kde ; provides a very sophisticated command line window called &konsole ; . Choose Application Starter System Terminal to start it . This may be something you want on your panel , luckily it's already there in the default configuration !
(trg)="s46"> red do !

(src)="s56"> If you have not already done so , start an application using the Application Starter , like Find Files .
(trg)="s56"> Aplikacija Pronađi Fajlovi .

(src)="s58"> Well , usually people work inside windows , but sometimes you may want to manipulate windows . Here's a quick overview of some of the most common window related functions :
(trg)="s58"> do :

(src)="s59"> Move a window
(trg)="s59"> Pomeri

(src)="s60"> Drag the window's title bar , or hold the &Alt ; key down and drag anywhere in the window .
(trg)="s60"> ili Alt i .

(src)="s62"> Drag the window's border , or hold the &Alt ; key down and drag with the &RMB ; anywhere in the window .
(trg)="s62"> ili Alt i .

(src)="s63"> Maximize a window
(trg)="s63"> Maksimizuj

(src)="s64"> Click the maximize button in the title bar ( in the default decoration it is the square , next to the X ) to make the window fill the screen , or if the window is already maximized , to shrink it back to its original size . Clicking with the &MMB ; maximizes the window vertically , and with the &RMB ; , horizontally .
(trg)="s64"> do do ili do do .

(src)="s66"> Click the iconify button in the title bar ( next to Maximize ) to hide the window . Restore it by clicking on the window's icon in the taskbar .
(trg)="s66"> do Maksimizuj do napisao .

(src)="s68"> Aside from the usual mouse click to switch to another window , you can use &Alt ; Tab to switch windows . See below for more techniques .
(trg)="s68"> do do Alt do .

(src)="s70"> &kde ; windows have some pretty standard buttons on their title bars which give you fast access to some common operations . The default button layout looks like this :
(trg)="s70"> do podrazumevano :

(src)="s71"> On the left side :
(trg)="s71"> Uključi :

(src)="s72"> A menu button . This usually shows a mini icon for the application . Click on it to get a window operations menu . Shortcut : &Alt ; F3 opens the window menu .
(trg)="s72"> do Prečica Alt .

(src)="s74"> On the right side :
(trg)="s74"> Uključi :

(src)="s77"> A close button . This closes the window . Shortcut : &Alt ; F4 .
(trg)="s77"> Prečica Alt .

(src)="s79"> Now that we know how to deal with windows , we encourage you to open some other windows using the panel , since we will now discuss how to switch between different windows . Since this is such a common activity , &kde ; offers several ways to do it ; pick your favorite !
(trg)="s79"> do do drugi do do !

(src)="s80"> Many window systems require you to click the mouse in another window to begin using it . This is &kde;'s default behavior , termed Click To Focus focus policy . But you can also configure your desktop in a way that moving the mouse pointer on to a window will activate it . This is called Focus Follows Mouse . If you select this policy using the &kde ; Control Center , the window under the mouse pointer is always the active one . It doesn't necessarily come to the front automatically , but you can still click on to the title bar or the border of a window or , a &kde ; special , you can use the &Alt ; key and click the &MMB ; anywhere on the window to raise it .
(trg)="s80"> do do podrazumevano Centar aktivan do ili ili Alt i do .

(src)="s81"> Here are some other methods to switch windows :
(trg)="s81"> drugi do :

(src)="s82"> Pick a window from the window list menu . To open the menu , click the &MMB ; on an empty area of the desktop , or click the icon with several windows on the panel , or finally click the up arrow at the left hand end of the taskbar in the panel .
(trg)="s82"> Izaberi Do prazan ili .

(src)="s83"> Hold down the &Alt ; key and press Tab to cycle through the windows .
(trg)="s83"> Alt i do .

(src)="s86"> The taskbar displays a list of small icons , one for each window on the desktop . In the default &kde ; setup the taskbar is located inside the panel , but it can also be located at the top or the bottom of the screen .
(trg)="s86"> podrazumevano ili .

(src)="s88"> A simple &LMB ; click on the taskbar button will pop up a list of the open windows for that application and you can choose the window you want to use . Choosing one of these entries with the left will bring you to the selected window immediately . Click on a taskbar entry with the right and you will see a menu allowing you to operate on all the windows grouped under that icon , or each window individually .
(trg)="s88"> do do .

(src)="s95"> Iconify those windows which you do not need at present and use the taskbar or &Alt ; Tab to switch between them ( still a bit confusing and much work ! )
(trg)="s95"> i ili Alt do i

(src)="s97"> The third option is the way to go ! &kde ; can handle several different desktops , each with its own windows . The default configuration provides four desktops . You can switch between the virtual desktops easily with a click on one of the desktop buttons on the panel . Also &Ctrl ; F1...F4 will send you to the corresponding desktop immediately , or &Ctrl ; Tab will cycle through the desktops .
(trg)="s97"> do podrazumevano Ctrl do ili Ctrl do i do .

(src)="s98"> Virtual desktops are very nice . But sometimes you want a window to be present on every desktop . This could be , for example , a small chat window , an alarm clock or whatever . In this case you can use the above mentioned sticky button which will pin the window on the background so that it will appear on every virtual desktop .
(trg)="s98"> do ili ili .

(src)="s99"> The sticky button can also be used to move a window from one virtual desktop to another one : push the sticky pin on the window , switch to a different desktop , and release the pin by pushing it again . You can achieve the same result by using the context pop-up menu of the window's entry in the taskbar ( menu item To Current Desktop ) or the To Desktop option on the window operations menu .
(trg)="s99"> do do do i napisao ili do .

(src)="s101"> A common metaphor of graphical desktops is the use of folders to represent directories on your hard disk . Folders contain files and other folders . A &kde ; application called &konqueror ; , the K File Manager , uses this metaphor to help you manage your files .
(trg)="s101"> do direktorijumi fajlovi i drugi Konqueror Fajl do fajlovi .

(src)="s103"> The first time you start &kde ; , a window with lots of icons in it appears . This is a &konqueror ; window displaying the files in your home directory ( the area where your personal files are stored ) . The pathname of the folder is displayed under the window's tool bar . If you don't see such a window now , click the icon on the panel that looks like a folder with a picture of a house .
(trg)="s103"> Konqueror fajlovi direktorijum fajlovi .

(src)="s104"> To open a file or folder , simply click it once with the &LMB ; . You can also choose Window Show Sidebar from the menu to display the folder hierarchy for more direct navigation . Or you can edit the path displayed under the toolbar to get to a specific directory quickly .
(trg)="s104"> Do fajl ili odaberi Prikaži do do do direktorijum .

(src)="s106"> &kde ; comes with a set of applications to view and edit files of many common types , and when you click a file containing , say , a document or image , &konqueror ; will start the appropriate application to display the file . If it doesn't know what application to start to open a file you clicked , &konqueror ; will prompt you for the name of the application to run , and when you have chosen , &konqueror ; will offer to remember your choice for the next time you open a file of that type .
(trg)="s106"> do i fajlovi i fajl ili Konqueror do fajl do do fajl Konqueror do .

(src)="s107"> &konqueror ; uses MIME types to associate files with applications .
(trg)="s107"> Konqueror do fajlovi .

(src)="s108"> Dragging and Dropping Icons
(trg)="s108"> i

(src)="s109"> To copy or move a file , simply drag its icon to the desktop , to another &konqueror ; window , or to a folder icon . When you release the button , &konqueror ; displays a menu to allow you to choose to copy , move , or create a link to the file .
(trg)="s109"> Do ili fajl do do Konqueror ili do Konqueror do do odaberi do ili link do fajl .

(src)="s110"> Note that if you choose to create a link , &kde ; creates a &UNIX ; symbolic link ( not a hard link ) , so if you move or delete the original file , the link will be broken .
(trg)="s110"> odaberi do link link link ili fajl link .

(src)="s111"> Most &kde ; applications also support drag and drop operations : you can drag an icon on to a window of a running application , or on to an icon of an application that is not started , to have the application open the file . Try it !
(trg)="s111"> i ili do fajl !

(src)="s112"> Setting File Properties
(trg)="s112"> Podešavanje Fajl

(src)="s113"> To change file properties , such as its name and permissions , &RMB ; click the icon and choose Properties from the menu .
(trg)="s113"> Do fajl i i odaberi Svojstva .

(src)="s114"> Working with Archives and Networks
(trg)="s114"> i

(src)="s115"> In the recent past , you needed special software to access files on the Internet . Not any more !
(trg)="s115"> do fajlovi !

(src)="s116"> &kde ; supports a technology called Network Transparent Access ( NTA ) which allows you to work with files on the other side of the world as easily as those on your local hard disk .
(trg)="s116"> do fajlovi drugi .

(src)="s117"> For example , to access files on an &FTP ; server , just choose Location Open Location from a &konqueror ; menu , and enter the URL of an &FTP ; server . You can drag and drop files to and from the folders on the server just as if they were on your local disk . You'll even be able to open files on the &FTP ; server without having to copy them to your local disk ( &kde ; does it for you when necessary ) .
(trg)="s117"> Za do fajlovi odaberi Lokacija Otvori Lokacija Konqueror i URL i fajlovi do i do fajlovi do do .

(src)="s118"> Note that &konqueror ; uses anonymous &FTP ; access , which may restrict your access to files on the &FTP ; server . If you have an account on the server , you can supply your user ID as part of the URL , like this : ftp : / / userid @ server / directory
(trg)="s118"> Konqueror do fajlovi URL :

(src)="s119"> &konqueror ; will prompt you for your password , and if the login succeeds , you will have full access to your files on the server .
(trg)="s119"> Konqueror i do fajlovi .

(src)="s120"> If you are used to the WinZip utility on &Microsoft ; &Windows ; , then you will be happy to hear that &kde ; can look into tar archives , too . It treats such archives just like a normal folder , and you can browse into the archive , open files , &etc ; In general , accessing files on the Internet and in archives should look and feel just like accessing files on your local disk , except for delays imposed by the network and extracting the archive .
(trg)="s120"> do Prozori do običan pregledaj fajlovi opšte fajlovi i i fajlovi napisao .

(src)="s121"> Using Templates to access Applications and Devices
(trg)="s121"> Šabloni do Aplikacije i

(src)="s123"> Applications
(trg)="s123"> Aplikacije

(src)="s124"> Printers
(trg)="s124"> Štampači

(src)="s125"> Mountable Devices ( &eg ; floppy drives )
(trg)="s125"> Uređaji

(src)="s126"> Internet resources ( &eg ; WWW documents , &FTP ; directories )
(trg)="s126"> direktorijumi

(src)="s129"> Nearly every item in the Application Starter , on the desktop , and on the panel refers to a .desktop file on disk . The .desktop file specifies what icon to display , as well as specific information about what the icon represents ( an application , device , or URL ). You can drag any .desktop file to the panel to create a quick-launch button .
(trg)="s129"> Aplikacija i do fajl fajl do ili URL fajl do do .

(src)="s130"> Mounting devices
(trg)="s130"> Montiram

(src)="s131"> &UNIX ; provides access to storage devices other than the primary hard disk through a process called mounting . &kde ; uses .desktop files to allow you to easily mount , unmount , and access files on secondary storage devices such as floppy drives and &cdrom ; drives .
(trg)="s131"> do drugi fajlovi do do i fajlovi i .