# KDEdoc/kde_ro/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/contact.docbook.xml.gz
# KDEdoc/kde_zh_TW/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/contact.docbook.xml.gz
(src)="s1.1"> Contactarea echipei KDE
(trg)="s1.1">聯絡 KDE 發展團隊
(src)="s2.1"> kde-request@kde.org - KDE
(trg)="s3.1"> KDE 目前有許多討論信件。下面所列是目前的信件。舊有的信件可以在 這裡 尋得。
(trg)="s4.1"> kde-request@kde.org - KDE
(src)="s3.1"> kde-announce-request@kde.org - kde-announce
(trg)="s6.1">kde-announce-request@kde.org - kde-announce
(src)="s4.1"> kde-user-request@kde.org - kde-user
(trg)="s7.1">新 KDE 應用程式的發表通告
(trg)="s8.1"> kde-user-request@kde.org - kde-user
(src)="s6.1"> kde-devel-request@kde.org - kde-devel
(trg)="s10.1"> kde-devel-request@kde.org - kde-devel
(src)="s7.1"> Pentru programatori .
(trg)="s12.1"> kde-licensing-request@kde.org - kde-licensing
(src)="s8.1"> kde-licensing-request@kde.org - kde-licensing
(trg)="s14.1"> kde-look-request@kde.org - kde-look
(src)="s9.1"> kde-look-request@kde.org - kde-look
(trg)="s16.1"> kde-artists-request@kde.org - kde-artists
(src)="s10.1"> kde-artists-request@kde.org - kde-artists
(trg)="s18.1"> kde-doc-english-request@kde.org - kde-doc-english
(src)="s11.1"> kde-doc-english-request@kde.org - kde-doc-english
(trg)="s19.1">對於撰寫 KDE 文件有興趣的人們.
(trg)="s20.1"> kde-i18n-doc-request@kde.org - kde-18n-doc
(src)="s12.1"> kde-i18n-doc-request@kde.org - kde-18n-doc
(src)="s13.1"> http : / /i18n.kde.org / teams / "
(trg)="s26.1">上面所列的位只是用來 訂閱及 取消訂閱。當您訂閱了通信論壇, 您將收到一個訊息告訴您如何傳送訊息到通信論壇,以及如何更改您在論壇中的選項。
(trg)="s28.1">請不要使用 HTML格式 傳送你的請求信件,因為我們的信件伺服器在處理上會發生困難。如果您訂閱的位址和您傳送訊息的位址相同,那麼您可以省略主題中的地址。
(src)="s14.1"> Contactarea programatorilor KDE
(trg)="s29.1">聯絡 KDE 發展者
(src)="s15.1"> Contacte oficiale
(trg)="s32.1">請參觀我們網站 官方代表 網頁如果你需要以官方正式的方式聯絡 KDE 發展小組。
(trg)="s34.1">更多有關 KDE 的資訊請看 http://www.kde.org。
# KDEdoc/kde_ro/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/help.docbook.xml.gz
# KDEdoc/kde_zh_TW/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/help.docbook.xml.gz
(src)="s1.1"> KDE Help System User Manual
(src)="s2.1"> KDE Help System
(trg)="s1.1">KDE 求助系統 使用者手冊
(src)="s3.1"> The KDE help system is designed to make accessing the common UNIX help systems ( man and info ) simple , as well as the native KDE documentation ( HTML ) .
(trg)="s2.1">KDE 求助系統
(src)="s4.1"> All base KDE applications come fully documented , thanks to the efforts of the Documentation team .
(src)="s4.2"> If you would like to help , please write to the Documentation coordinator , Mike McBride , at mpmcbride7@yahoo.com If you would like to help , please write to the Documentation coordinator , Mike McBride , at mpmcbride7@yahoo.com for information .
(trg)="s3.1"> KDE 線上求助系統是被設計成可以很容易地存取一般 Unix 線上求助系統 ( man 和 info),以及 KDE 的原本的文件格式( HTML)。
(src)="s4.3"> No experience is required , just enthusiasm and patience .
(src)="s5.1"> Installation
(src)="s6.1"> KHelpcenter is an integral part of the KDE Base installation , and is installed with every copy of KDE .
(src)="s6.2"> It can be found in the kdebase package , and is available from the KDE FTP site or will be found in your linux distributions kdebase package .
(trg)="s6.1">&khelp; 是 KDE 基本安裝中的部份,它是隨著所有 KDE 的副本一起被安裝的。你可以在 kdebase 套件裡頭,以及在 KDE FTP 站,或是在你的 Linux 發行套件裡頭的 kdebase 找到它.
(src)="s7.1"> Invoking Help
(src)="s8.1"> KHelpcenter can be called in several ways :
(trg)="s8.1">&khelp; 可以經由好幾種方式啟動:
(src)="s9.1"> From the Help menu
(trg)="s9.1">從 求助 選單
(src)="s10.1"> The most common will probably be from within an application .
(trg)="s11.1">從 K 選單
(src)="s11.1"> From the K menu
(src)="s12.1"> Choose the big K in your panel , and select Help to open KHelpcenter , starting at the default welcome page .
(trg)="s12.1">在您的功能表列裡頭有個大 K 的標識,請選取 求助 以開啟 &khelp;,便可進入求助系統的歡迎首頁。
(src)="s13.1"> From the panel
(src)="s14.1"> The Kicker panel contains by default an icon to call KHelpcenter .
(src)="s14.2"> Again , the default welcome page is displayed .
(trg)="s14.1"> Kicker 面板有一個預設的圖示可以啟動 &khelp;. 同樣的會顯示歡迎畫面。
(src)="s15.1"> From the command line
(src)="s16.1"> KHelpcenter may be started using a URL to display a file .
(src)="s16.2"> URL s have been added for Info and man pages also .
(trg)="s16.1">&khelp; 可以使用 URL 的方式來開啟。 Info 以及 man 也可以使用 URL 的形式啟動。您可以像以下這樣子使用它們:
(src)="s16.3"> You can use them as follows :
(src)="s17.1"> An application help file
(src)="s19.1"> Opens the Kedit help file , at the contents page .
(trg)="s19.1">在內容視窗開啟 Kedit 輔助說明檔。
(src)="s20.1"> A local url
(trg)="s20.1">本地型的 URL
(src)="s21.1"> khelpcenter file : / usr / local / src / qt / html / index.html
(src)="s22.1"> A Man page
(trg)="s21.1">khelpcenter file:/usr/local/src/qt/html/index.html
(src)="s24.1"> An Info page
(trg)="s22.1">Man 文件
(src)="s26.1"> Invoking khelpcenter with no parameters opens the default welcome page .
(trg)="s24.1">Info 文件
(src)="s27.1"> The KHelpcenter interface
(src)="s28.1"> The KHelpcenter interface consists of two panes of information , embedded in a Konqueror window .
(trg)="s26.1">不加任何參數地啟動 khelpcenter 可以開啟輔助說明歡迎畫面。
(src)="s28.2"> This makes navigation simple , and intuitive , using Konqueror ' s own toolbars , just as you would a website .
(trg)="s27.1">&khelp; 界面
(src)="s28.3"> Additionally , most documents contain their own navigation tools , enabling you to move either sequentially through a document , using Next and Previous links , or to move around in a less structured manner , using hyperlinks .
(src)="s28.4"> Links can take you to other parts of the same document , or to a different document , and you can use the Back ( Left pointing arrow ) or Forward ( Right pointing arrow ) icons on the toolbar to move through the documents you have viewed in this session .
(trg)="s28.1">&khelp; 界面是一個 Konqueror 的視窗,包含了兩個方框的訊息在內。這樣看起來會比較簡單、直覺、就好像使用 Konqueror 的工具列去瀏灠一個網站的內容一樣。另外,大多數的文件包含了他們自己的瀏灠工具,如 上一頁、 下一頁之類,讓你能夠在瀏灠文件的同時,能夠依序的閱讀,或者使用超連結帶您到同一份文件的另一個段落,或者是不同的另一份文件。此時您就可以用工具列上的 向前一頁(標識為左箭)或者 向後一頁(標識為右箭),讓您在看過的文件之中來回穿梭移動。
(src)="s29.1"> The two panes display the contents of the help system , and the help files themselves , on the left and right respectively .
(src)="s30.1"> The Contents pane
(trg)="s30.1"> 內容 方框
(src)="s31.1"> The Contents pane in KHelpcenter is displayed on the left hand side of the window .
(src)="s31.2"> As you might expect , you can move the splitter bar , to make sure you can comfortably read the contents of either pane .
(trg)="s31.1">在 &khelp; 左手邊顯示的是 內容 方框。一如您所想像的,您可以用中間的那個分割軸,手動調整你在兩個方框中的視野大小,這樣一來您就可以左、右兩邊的字都看的很清楚了。
(src)="s32.1"> The Contents pane is further divided into two tabs , one containing a menu showing all the help information KHelpcenter is aware of , and the other enabling you to Search for specific information .
(trg)="s32.1"> 內容 框未來將會分成兩個欄位,一個是 選單 顯示出所有的線上輔助系統資訊 &khelp; 還有就是您可以使用 搜尋功能去找您所指定的相關資訊。
(src)="s33.1"> The Contents Menu
(trg)="s33.1"> 內容 選單
(src)="s34.1"> The Contents contains the following default entries :
(trg)="s34.1"> 內容 包含下列預設的項目:
(src)="s35.1"> Introduction
(src)="s36.1"> Welcome to KDE - an introduction to the K Desktop Environment .
(trg)="s36.1">歡迎使用 KDE - 桌面環境的介紹
(src)="s37.1"> Introduction to KDE
(trg)="s37.1">KDE 介紹
(src)="s38.1"> The KDE Quickstart guide .
(src)="s38.2"> Contains a tour of the KDE Interface and specific help and tips on how to work smarter with KDE .
(trg)="s38.1">KDE 快速指南. 包含了 KDE 的介面及相關的輔助說明系統和一些好用的技巧。
(src)="s39.1"> KDE User ' s manual
(trg)="s39.1">KDE 使用者手冊
(src)="s40.1"> The KDE User ' s manual is an in depth exploration of KDE , including installation , configuration and customization , and use .
(src)="s41.1"> Application manuals
(trg)="s40.1">KDE 的使用者手冊是深入 KDE 使用的參考資料。其中包含了安裝、設定、自訂組態以及使用。
(src)="s42.1"> Native KDE application documentation .
(src)="s42.2"> All KDE applications have documentation in HTML .
(src)="s42.3"> This section lists all the KDE applications with a brief description and a link to the full application documentation .
(trg)="s42.1">所有的 KDE 應用程式都有 HTML格式 的文件。這個部份列出所有 KDE 應用程式的簡介,和完整應用程式文件的連結。
(src)="s43.1"> The applications are displayed in a tree structure that echoes the default structure of the K menu , making it easy to find the application you are looking for .
(trg)="s43.1">這些應用程式以 KDE 選單 的預設架構並依樹狀排列。如此讓您在使用時可以很容易的找到您要的那個應用程式。
(src)="s44.1"> System Manual Pages
(trg)="s44.1">Unix 手冊頁
(src)="s45.1"> UNIX man pages are the traditional on-line documentation format for unix systems .
(src)="s45.2"> Most programs on your system will have a man page .
(trg)="s45.1">Unix 的 Man Page 是傳統的 Unix 系統線上文件格式。而大多數的應用程式都會有一個 Man Page。此外 Man Page 也提供了寫作程式時的函式以及檔案格式.
(src)="s45.3"> In addition , man pages exist for programming functions and file formats .
(src)="s46.1"> System Info Directory
(src)="s47.1"> TeXinfo documentation is used by many GNU applications , including gcc ( the C / C+ + compiler ) , emacs , and many others .
(trg)="s47.1">很多 GNU 應用程式都有 TeXinfo 格式的資訊頁,這包括 gcc (C/C++ 編譯器)、 emacs 以及其他的。
(src)="s48.1"> The KDE FAQ
(trg)="s48.1">KDE 常見問題集
(src)="s49.1"> Frequently asked questions about KDE , and their answers .
(trg)="s49.1"> KDE 常見問題解答
(src)="s50.1"> KDE on the web
(trg)="s50.1">KDE 相關網站
(src)="s51.1"> Links to KDE on the web , both the official KDE website , and other useful sites .
(trg)="s51.1">連結至 KDE 的網站,包含官方的網站以及其它有用的網站。
(src)="s52.1"> Contact Information
(src)="s53.1"> Information on how to contact KDE developers , and how to join the KDE mailing lists .
(trg)="s53.1">一些聯絡 KDE 開發人員,以及如何加入 KDE 通信論壇。
(src)="s54.1"> Supporting KDE
(trg)="s54.1">支援 KDE
(src)="s55.1"> How to help , and how to get involved .
(trg)="s55.1">如何幫助 KDE。
(src)="s56.1"> The Search tab
(trg)="s56.1"> 搜尋 欄位
(src)="s57.1"> Searching requires you have the ht : / /Dig application installed .
(src)="s57.2"> Information on installing and configuring the search index is available in the document .
(src)="s58.1"> For the purposes of this document , we ' ll assume you already have this set up and configured .
(src)="s59.1"> Searching the help files is fairly intuitive , enter the word( s ) you wish to search for in the text box , choose your options ( if any ) , and press Search .
(trg)="s59.1">搜尋輔助說明系統是很直觀的,您只要在文字框中輸入您想要找的關鍵字,選擇您的選項,然後再按下 搜尋,搜尋的結果就會出現在右邊的視窗。
(src)="s59.2"> The results display in the viewer pane to the right .
(src)="s60.1"> The options available are :
(src)="s61.1"> Method
(src)="s62.1"> Choose how to search for multiple words .
(src)="s62.2"> If you choose and , results are returned only if all your search terms are included in the page . or returns results if any of the search terms are found , and boolean lets you search using a combination .
(src)="s63.1"> Boolean syntax lets you use the operators AND , OR and NOT to create complex searches .
(trg)="s62.1">選擇尋找多重字串比對。如果您選擇 且,那麼傳回的結果將會是文件上您所輸入的比對字串都符合的資料。 如果您選擇 或那麼傳回的結果將會是文件上符合您所輸入的比對字串 其中之一的資料。如果您選擇 布林可讓您使用組合樣式。布林語法讓您使用一些運算子,像是 AND、 OR 以及 NOT,讓您可以使用更加複雜的搜尋。 一些例子如下:
(src)="s63.2"> Some examples :
(src)="s64.1"> cat and dog
(trg)="s63.1">cat and dog
(src)="s65.1"> Searches for pages which have both the words cat and dog in them .
(src)="s65.2"> Pages with only one or the other will not be returned .
(trg)="s64.1">要找尋文件的內容之中包含有 cat 及 dog。如果文件之中只出現其中之一的關鍵字如 cat 那麼將不會傳回結果.
(src)="s66.1"> cat not dog
(trg)="s65.1">cat not dog
(src)="s67.1"> Searches for pages with cat in them , but only returns the ones that don ' t have the word dog in them .
(trg)="s66.1">這個比對樣式是要找尋文件的內容之中包含有 cat 但並不包含 dog。
(src)="s68.1"> cat or ( dog not nose )
(trg)="s67.1">cat or (dog not nose)
(src)="s69.1"> Searches for pages which contain cat , and for pages which contain dog but don ' t contain nose .
(src)="s69.2"> Pages which contain both cat and nose would be returned , pages containing all three words would not .
(trg)="s68.1">這個比對樣式是要找尋文件的內容之中包含 cat,或是包含 dog 但不包含 nose 的資料。也就是說資料中含 cat 以及 nose 一樣還是會被找到,但是包含這三個字的資料就會被排拒在外。
(src)="s70.1"> If your searches are not returning the results you expect , check carefully you haven ' t excluded the wrong search term with an errand NOT or a stray brace .
(trg)="s69.1">如果您的搜尋沒有傳回任何您所期望的結果,請仔細地檢查您有沒有打錯 NOT 或括號等錯誤的樣式。
(src)="s71.1"> Max . results
(src)="s72.1"> Determines the maximum number of results returned from your search .
(src)="s73.1"> Format
(src)="s74.1"> Decide if you want just a short link to the page containing your search terms , or do you want a longer summary .
(src)="s75.1"> Sort
(src)="s76.1"> Sort the results in order of Score ( how closely your search terms were matched , ) alphabetically by Title or by Date .
(src)="s76.2"> Selecting the Reverse order check box , naturally enough , reverses the sort order of the results .
(trg)="s75.1">根據 分數的順序排列 (分數指的是與您所指定的樣式的差異性)、根據 標題 的字母順序或者是 日期 來排序搜尋結果。點選 反向排列 方塊會將搜尋結果作反向的排序。
(src)="s77.1"> Update index
(src)="s78.1"> Update the search index , to incorporate new documents , or if you think your database is incomplete or damaged .
(src)="s78.2"> This may take some time .
(src)="s79.1"> The Man and Info sections
(trg)="s78.1"> Man 和 Info 部份
(src)="s80.1"> Man pages are the standard unix manual pages , and have been in use for many years on many operating systems .
(src)="s80.2"> They are extremely thorough , and are the very best place to get information about most linux commands and applications .
(trg)="s79.1">Man Pages 是標準的 UNIX 使用手冊,並且在很多作業系統上行之有年。 這些文件非常的詳盡與完整,並且是最容易得到 Linux 命令或是應用程式輔助訊息的方式。一般人所謂的 RTFM(Refer To the Friendly Manual), 所講的 Manual 通常指的就是這個 Man Pages.
(trg)="s80.1">然而 Man pages 並不盡然是完美的.
(src)="s80.3"> When people say RTFM , the Manual they ' re referring to is very often the man page .
(src)="s81.1"> The man pages are not perfect however .
(trg)="s80.2">Man Pages 傾向於深入,同時也很技術性,而且經常是由開發人員所撰寫,也是寫給開發人員看的。在某些情況下,這樣子寫出來的東西會變得太深奧,讓一般的使用者無法很容易的看懂。然而, 這些 Man Page 仍是命令列模式應用程式最好的參考資訊,而且通常是唯一的資訊。
(src)="s81.2"> They tend to be in depth , but also extremely technical , often written by developers , and for developers .
(src)="s81.3"> In some cases this makes them somewhat unfriendly , if not downright impossible for many users to understand .
(trg)="s81.1"> 也許您會好奇過人們在撰寫 Man Page 時,他們所用的編號,如 man(1) 是何意義。您將會看到 &khelp; 使用數字將這些眾多且相同的 Man Page 分門別類。讓您只要瀏灠就能很容易的找到您所要找的資訊。
(src)="s81.4"> They are however , the best source of solid information on most commandline applications , and very often the only source .
(src)="s82.1"> If you ' ve ever wondered what the number is when people write things like man( 1 ) it means which section of the manual the item is in .
(trg)="s82.1">另一個可以使用的輔助訊息系統就是 Info pages,它企圖取代 Man Page。有一些 Man Page 的維護人員並不再更新這些 Man Page,所以如果 Man Page 與 Info page 同時存在,Info page 通常是比較新的。儘管大多數的應用程式可能有一個或多個輔助訊息。如果您要找的應用程式是 GNU 的應用程式,很可能您只會找到它的 Info page 而非 Man Page.
(src)="s82.2"> You ' ll see KHelpcenter uses the numbers to divide the very many man pages into their own sections , making it easier for you to find the information you' re looking for , if you 're just browsing .
(trg)="s83.1">瀏覽 Info pages
(trg)="s84.1">Info 文件 的排序方式是一頁一頁分層隔開的,而每一個頁面稱作一個節點(node)。所有的 Info 文件都有 Top 節點,也就是這份已打開了的文件。您可以使用 Top 回到頂層的 Info 文件。
(src)="s83.1"> Also available are the Info pages , intended to be a replacement for the man pages .
(trg)="s85.1"> Prev(上一頁) 以及 Next(下一頁)經常被用來當作同一層次 Info 文件的前後移動的工具。
(src)="s83.2"> The maintainer of some applications no longer update the man pages , so if there is both a man page and an info page available , the info page is probably the most recent .
(trg)="s86.1">您也可以按一下選單中的項目,這樣就可以進入更深入層次的文件(通常是細目說明)。您也可以直接按下 Up 移到上一層.
(src)="s83.3"> Most applications have one or the other though .
(src)="s83.4"> If the application you are looking for help on is a GNU utility , you will most likely find it has an info page , not a man page .
(trg)="s87.1">Man 文件跟 Info 文件蠻像的,所不同的是 Man 文件只有一層,而且每一個單獨的 Man Page 就只有一頁。
(src)="s84.1"> Navigating inside the Info pages
(src)="s85.1"> Info documents are arranged hierarchically with each page called a node .
(trg)="s90.1">原始開發人員:Matthias Elter me@kde.org
(trg)="s91.1">現行維護人員:Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel mhk@kde.org