# PHP/php_en/html/about.generate.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.generate.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Appendix K .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s3.2"> About the manual
(src)="s4.1"> Next
(src)="s5.1"> This manual is written in XML using the DocBook XML DTD , using DSSSL ( Document Style and Semantics Specification Language ) for formatting , and experimentally the XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations ) for maintenance and formatting .
(trg)="s4.1"> 本手冊使用 XML 語言編寫,同時運用了 DocBook XML DTD。我們使用了 DSSSL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language,文檔樣式和語義規格語言)來控制格式。同時,在實驗上我們運用 XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations,可擴展樣式表語言轉換)來維護格式。
(src)="s6.1"> Using XML as a source format gives us the ability to generate many output formats from the source files , while only maintaining one source document for all formats .
(src)="s6.2"> The tools used for formatting HTML and TeX versions are Jade , written by James Clark and The Modular DocBook Stylesheets written by Norman Walsh .
(src)="s6.3"> We use Microsoft HTML Help Workshop to generate the Windows HTML Help format of the manual , and of course PHP itself to do some additional conversions and formatting .
(trg)="s5.1"> 將 XML 語言作為源文件格式,使得我們隻需維護該源文件文檔,就可以可以利用它生成許多其它的輸出格式。輸出 HTML 和 TeX 版本的工具是由 James Clark 開發的 Jade,以及由 Norman Walsh 開發的 The Modular DocBook Stylesheets。我們使用 Microsoft HTML Help Workshop 來生成本手冊的 Windows 超文本幫助格式。當然,PHP 本身也完成了其它一些轉換和格式化工作。
(src)="s7.1"> You can download the manual in various languages and formats , including plain text , plain HTML , PDF , PalmPilot DOC , PalmPilot iSilo and Windows HTML Help , from http : / /www.php.net / docs.php .
(src)="s7.2"> The manuals are updated automatically as the text is updated .
(trg)="s6.1"> 您可以從 http://www.php.net/docs.php 下載本手冊各種不同語言和格式的版本,包括純文本、普通 HTML、PDF、PalmPilot DOC、PalmPilot iSilo 和 Windows 超文本幫助格式。當手冊內容更新時,其它格式的版本將自動更新。
(src)="s8.1"> You can find more information about downloading the XML source code of this documentation at http : / /cvs.php.net / .
(src)="s8.2"> The documentation is stored in the phpdoc module .
(trg)="s7.1"> 在 http://cvs.php.net/ 您可以找到更多關於下載本文檔 XML 源代碼的信息。它們被存放在 phpdoc 模塊下。
(src)="s9.1"> Prev
(src)="s10.1"> Home
(src)="s11.1"> Next
(src)="s12.1"> How to help improve the documentation
(src)="s13.1"> Up
(src)="s14.1"> Translations
# PHP/php_en/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Appendix K .
(src)="s3.2"> About the manual
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s4.1"> Next
(src)="s5.1"> There are three ways you can help to improve this documentation .
(src)="s6.1"> If you find errors in this manual , in any language , please report them using the bug system at http : / /bugs.php.net / .
(trg)="s4.1"> 您可以通過以下三種途徑來幫助改善本文檔。
(src)="s6.2"> Classify the bug as " Documentation Problem " .
(src)="s6.3"> You can also submit problems related to specific manual formats here .
(trg)="s5.1"> 如果您發現本手冊任何一個格式的版本中有錯誤, 請通過設在 http://bugs.php.net/ 的糾錯繫統向我們報告,並將您提交的錯誤分類為“文檔問題 (Documentation Problem)”。您在這裡也可以提交和某一格式的手冊相關的問題。
(src)="s7.1"> Note :
(src)="s7.2"> Please don ' t abuse the bug system by submitting requests for help .
(src)="s7.3"> Use the mailing lists or community sites mentioned earlier , instead .
(trg)="s6.1">注: 請勿濫用糾錯繫統來尋求幫助。如需幫助請使用前面提到的郵件列表和虛擬社區網站。
(src)="s8.1"> By contributing notes , you can provide additional examples , caveats , and clarifications for other readers .
(src)="s8.2"> But do not submit bug reports using the annotation system please .
(trg)="s7.1"> 通過提交注釋,您可以向其它讀者提供更多的範例、解釋和闡述。提交注釋請使用注釋繫統,而非糾錯繫統。請閱讀本附錄中“關於用戶注釋”一節以獲得更多關於注釋的信息。
(src)="s8.3"> You can read more about annotations in the ' About user notes ' section of this appendix .
(src)="s9.1"> If you know English and some foreign language , you may also help out in the translations .
(trg)="s8.1"> 如果您懂英語和其它語種的語言,您也可以參與我們的翻譯工作。如果您希望開始一個新語言版本的翻譯,或者希望參與某一個語言版本的翻譯工作,請下載並閱讀 PHP Documentation HOWTO。
(src)="s9.2"> If you would like to start a new translation , or help in a translation project , please read http : / /cvs.php.net / co.php / phpdoc / howto / howto.html.tar.gz .
(trg)="s9.1"> 該文檔的簡體中文版可在 ??? 下載。
(src)="s10.1"> Prev
(src)="s11.1"> Home
(src)="s12.1"> Next
(src)="s13.1"> How to find more information about PHP
(trg)="s13.1">如何得到關於 PHP 更多的信息
(src)="s14.1"> Up
(src)="s15.1"> How we generate the formats
(trg)="s15.1"> 如何生成手冊的各種格式
# PHP/php_en/html/about.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Next
(src)="s4.1"> The PHP manual is provided in several formats .
(trg)="sabout.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s4.2"> These formats can be divided into two groups : online readable formats , and downloadable packages .
(src)="s5.1"> Note :
(trg)="s4.1"> 內容目錄 手冊的格式 關於用戶注釋 如何閱讀函數的定義(函數原型) 本手冊中所涉及的 PHP 版本 如何得到關於 PHP 更多的信息 如何幫助改進本文檔 如何生成手冊的各種格式 手冊譯文
(src)="s5.2"> Some publishers have made available printed versions of this manual .
(src)="s5.3"> We cannot recommend any of those , as they tend to become out-of-date very quickly .
(trg)="s5.1"> 《PHP 參考手冊》提供了多種不同格式的版本,它們可以分為兩組:在線閱讀版本和可下載包。
(src)="s6.1"> You can read the manual online at http : / /www.php.net / You can read the manual online at http : / /www.php.net / and on the numerous mirror sites .
(src)="s6.2"> For best performance , you should choose the mirror site closest to you .
(trg)="s6.1">注: 有些出版商可能已經出版了本手冊的一些印刷版本,但我們不推薦您使用它們,因為 PHP 參考手冊更新得非常快,這些印刷版本將很快失去時效性。
(src)="s6.3"> You can view the manual in either its plain ( print-friendly ) HTML format or an HTML format that integrates the manual into the look and feel of the PHP website itself .
(src)="s7.1"> An advantage of the online manual over most of the offline formats is the integration of user-contributed notes .
(trg)="s7.1"> 您可以訪問 http://www.php.net/ 及其眾多的鏡像站點來在線閱讀《PHP 參考手冊》。為了保證最佳的訪問速度,您應該選擇離您的地理位置最接近的鏡像站點。您可以選擇閱讀可直接打印的 HTML 版本,也可以閱讀集成在 PHP 官方站點中的 HTML 版本,該版本讓您感覺《PHP 參考手冊》就是該網站的一部分。
(src)="s7.2"> An obvious disadvantage is that you have to be online to view the manual in the online formats .
(src)="s8.1"> There are several offline formats of the manual , and the most appropriate format for you depends on what operating system you use and your personal reading style .
(trg)="s8.1"> 和絕大多數離線格式的手冊相比,在線閱讀版本有一個很大的優點,即它集成了用戶注釋;同時,它的明顯的缺點是您必須保持一直在線來閱讀。
(src)="s8.2"> For information on how the manual is generated in so many formats , read the ' How we generate the formats ' section of this appendix .
(src)="s9.1"> The most cross-platform formats of the manual are the HTML and plain-text versions .
(trg)="s9.1"> 目前,《PHP 參考手冊》提供多種離線閱讀格式,最適合於您的格式取決於您使用的操作繫統和您個人的閱讀習慣。關於《PHP 參考手冊》如何被制作成如此多的版本,請查閱本附錄中“如何生成手冊的各種格式”一節。
(src)="s9.2"> The HTML format is provided both as a single HTML file and as a package of individual files for each section ( which results in a collection of several thousand files ) .
(src)="s9.3"> The HTML and plaintext formats are provided as tar files compressed using the bzip2 archiver .
(trg)="s10.1"> 跨平臺性最好的格式是 HTML 格式和純文本格式。HTML 格式提供了兩種方式:一種隻有一個很大的 HTML 文件;另一種方式是每一節分成一個獨立文件,它們形成一個包含有幾千個文件的文件包。HTML 和純文本格式的《PHP 參考手冊》都是以 bzip2 方式壓縮的 tar 文件提供。文件的後綴名為 tar.bz2。
(src)="s10.1"> Another popular cross-platform format , and the format most suited to printing , is PDF ( also known as Adobe Acrobat ) .
(src)="s10.2"> But before you rush to download this format and hit the Print button , be warned that the manual is nearly 2000 pages long , and constantly being revised .
(trg)="s11.1"> 另一種流行的跨平臺格式,也是最適合打印的格式,是 PDF(也就是 Adobe Acrobat)格式。不過,當您急匆匆地下載該版本,並點擊“打印”按鈕的時候,我們需要提醒您本手冊有 2000 多頁,並且還在不斷地被修訂。
(src)="s11.1"> Note :
(src)="s11.2"> If you do not already have a program capable of viewing PDF format files , you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader .
(src)="s12.1"> For owners of Palm-compatible handhelds , the Palm document and iSilo formats are ideal for this platform .
(trg)="s12.1">注: 如果您還沒有可以直接閱讀 PDF 格式文檔的軟件,您可能需要下載 Adobe Acrobat Reader。
(src)="s12.2"> You can bring your handheld with you on your daily commute and use a DOC or iSilo reader to brush up on your PHP knowledge , or just use it as a quick reference .
(src)="s13.1"> For Windows platforms , the Windows HTML Help version of the manual soups up the HTML format for use with the Windows HTML Help application .
(trg)="s13.1"> 對於手掌機及其兼容設備的用戶來說,該平臺最理想的格式是 Palm 文檔或者 iSilo 格式。您可以在日常工作中帶著您的手掌機,利用 DOC 或 iSilo 閱讀器來溫習 PHP 知識,當然,也可以作為快速的參考。
(src)="s13.2"> This version provides full-text search , a full index , and bookmarking .
(src)="s13.3"> Many popular Windows PHP development environments also integrate with this version of the documentation to provide easy access .
(trg)="s14.1"> 對於 Windows 平臺,我們利用了 Windows 的超文本幫助應用程序結合本手冊的 HTML 格式,形成了本手冊的 Windows 超文本幫助版本。該版本提供手冊的全文搜索、完整的索引以及書簽功能。很多 Windows 平臺下流行的 PHP 集成開發環境也集成了該版本的手冊,以給開發者提供最方便快捷的參考。
(src)="s14.1"> Prev
(src)="s15.1"> Home
(src)="s16.1"> Next
(src)="s18.1"> Up
(src)="s19.1"> About user notes
# PHP/php_en/html/about.more.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.more.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Appendix K .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s3.2"> About the manual
(src)="s4.1"> Next
(trg)="sabout.more.1"> 如何得到關於 PHP 更多的信息
(src)="s5.1"> This manual does not attempt to provide instruction about general programming practices .
(src)="s5.2"> If you are a first-time , or even just a beginning , programmer , you may find it difficult to learn how to program in PHP using just this manual .
(trg)="s4.1"> 本手冊並不打算提供基本的編程開發指導。如果您是一個初級的程序員,甚至是第一次編程,您可能會發現利用本手冊來學習如何用 PHP 編程是一件很困難的事情。為了尋找一本更適合初學者的書,請訪問 http://www.php.net/books.php 查看 PHP 相關書籍的列表。
(src)="s5.3"> You may want to seek out a text more oriented towards beginners .
(src)="s5.4"> You can find a list of PHP-related books at http : / /www.php.net / books.php .
(src)="s6.1"> There are a number of active mailing lists for discussion of all aspects of programming with PHP .
(src)="s6.2"> If you find yourself stuck on a problem for which you can ' t find your own solution , you may be able to get help from someone on these lists .
(src)="s6.3"> You can find a list of the mailing lists at http : / /www.php.net / support.php , as well as links to the mailing list archives and other online support resources .
(trg)="s5.1"> 目前,PHP 官方提供了許多郵件列表來討論 PHP 編程相關的各個方面的問題。當您在 PHP 的開發過程中踫到了難題,而且自己無法找到合適的解決方法時,您可以到該郵件列表尋求幫助。請訪問 http://www.php.net/support.php 查看郵件列表清單,我們同時提供了郵件列表的存檔和其它在線支持的資料。此外,在 http://www.php.net/links.php 有一個關於 PHP 相關網站的列表,在這些網站中您可以找到和 PHP 相關的文章、論壇和代碼。
(src)="s6.4"> Furthermore , at http : / /www.php.net / links.php there is a list of websites devoted to PHP articles , forums , and code galleries .
(src)="s7.1"> Prev
(src)="s8.1"> Home
(src)="s9.1"> Next
(src)="s10.1"> PHP versions documented in this manual
(trg)="s9.1">本手冊中所涉及的 PHP 版本
(src)="s11.1"> Up
(src)="s12.1"> How to help improve the documentation
# PHP/php_en/html/about.notes.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.notes.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Appendix K .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s3.2"> About the manual
(src)="s4.1"> Next
(trg)="sabout.notes.1"> 關於用戶注釋
(src)="s5.1"> The user-contributed notes play an important role in the development of this manual .
(src)="s5.2"> By allowing readers of the manual to contribute examples , caveats , and further clarifications from their browser , we are able to incorporate that feedback into the main text of the manual .
(src)="s5.3"> And until the notes have been incorporated , they can be viewed in their submitted form online and in some of the offline formats .
(trg)="s4.1"> 用戶注釋在本手冊的開發過程中搬演了相當重要的角色。通過允許手冊的讀者利用它們的瀏覽器提供範例、解釋和進一步的闡述,我們便能夠把這些反饋信息包含到手冊的正文中。而且,當這些注釋被包含後,讀者就可以在線通過它們被提交的格式來閱讀它們,也可以通過某些離線格式來閱讀。
(src)="s6.1"> Note :
(src)="s6.2"> The user-contributed notes are not moderated before they appear online , so the quality of the writing or code examples , and even the veracity of the contribution , cannot be guaranteed . ( Not that there is any guarantee of the quality or accuracy of the manual text itself . )
(trg)="s5.1">注: 用戶注釋在網上出現之前並不成熟,因此這些文字和代碼的質量,甚至它們的真實性無從得到保證。(這並不是說本手冊本身的質量和準確性沒有任何的保證。)
(src)="s7.1"> Note :
(src)="s7.2"> For the purposes of license coverage the user-contributed notes are considered part of the PHP manual , and are therefore covered by the same license that covers this documentation ( GPL at the moment ) .
(src)="s7.3"> For more details see the Manual ' s Copyright page .
(trg)="s6.1">注: 由於用戶注釋被認為是 PHP 手冊的一部分,因此它也被保護本文檔的許可協議(目前為 GPL)所保護。請查閱手冊版權頁以了解更多詳細信息。
(src)="s8.1"> Prev
(src)="s9.1"> Home
(src)="s10.1"> Next
(src)="s11.1"> About the manual
(src)="s12.1"> Up
(src)="s13.1"> How to read a function definition ( prototype )
(trg)="s12.1"> 如何閱讀函數的定義(函數原型)
# PHP/php_en/html/about.phpversions.html.gz
# PHP/php_zh_TW/html/about.phpversions.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> PHP Manual
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊
(src)="s2.1"> Prev
(src)="s3.1"> Appendix K .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊
(src)="s3.2"> About the manual
(src)="s4.1"> Next
(trg)="sabout.phpversions.1">本手冊中所涉及的 PHP 版本
(src)="s5.1"> This documentation contains information about PHP 4 , with some added migration and compatibility notes regarding PHP 3 .
(src)="s5.2"> Behaviour , parameter , return value and other changes between different PHP versions are documented in notes and inline text in the manual .
(trg)="s4.1"> 本文檔包含有 PHP 4 有關的內容,以及一些關於 PHP 3 移植和兼容的注意事項。PHP 不同版本之間的行為、參數、返回值和其它改變都以“注意”的形式加入了本手冊的正文。
(src)="s6.1"> You may find documentation pieces for the CVS version of PHP , which always means the very latest development version available through the CVS version handling system .
(src)="s6.2"> If you are not a developer of PHP itself , and you are not keen on using the very latest development version of PHP , features marked with the " available in CVS " wording are not accessible to you .
(trg)="s5.1"> 您或許會找到一些關於 CVS 版本 PHP(由 CVS 版本控制繫統直接得到的最新的開發版本)的文檔。如果您本身並不是 PHP 的開發者,並且您並不十分渴望使用 PHP 最新的開發版本,那麼標識了“僅 CVS 適用”的章節所描述的特性並不適用於您,或許這些特性會出現在 PHP 下一個穩定版本中。如果您希望下載 CVS 版本,請查閱 CVS 的匿名訪問。
(src)="s6.3"> Though these features will probably be available in the next stable version of PHP .
(src)="s6.4"> If you would like to download the CVS version , see the anonymous CVS access page .
(src)="s7.1"> You may also encounter documentation for a PHP version which is not released ( something like PHP 5.0.0 as the latest stable version is 4.3.0 ) .
(src)="s7.2"> Most of the time , this is not an error in the documentation .
(trg)="s6.1"> 您還有可能遇到一些文檔僅適用於尚未發布的 PHP 版本(例如 PHP 4.3.0,而當前最新的穩定版本是 4.2.3)。多數情況下,這並不是文檔中的錯誤,我們經常在文檔中加入一些目前版本尚未支持的特性描述,但這些特性將在未來某一個確定的 PHP 版本中實現。
(src)="s7.3"> Explanation is often added for features not available in the current PHP release , but will be available in a known future PHP version .
(src)="s8.1"> Prev