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User settings

The User settings feature allows users to specify a number of parameters according to their individual requirements. For example, the standard concordance display can be set to 'KWIC-view' or you can select a different default window range for the collocation analysis.

Of the options available, only the Collocation sanity check might require further explanation:

One of the necessary variables for the calculation of collocational strength is the total number of occurrences of the collocate in the corpus. If your initial query is restricted to a metatextual category (or a combination of categories), a precise calculation of collocational strength would require a frequency list of only those texts in the corpus which correspond to your restriction(s). But BNCweb includes only three different frequency lists: based on the whole BNC, the spoken component, and the written component. Since different genres and text domains show considerable differences in the kind of vocabulary used, a collocation analysis which is based on one of the three available frequency lists may produce skewed results. BNCweb doesn't stop you from doing such an analysis but displays a warning. Users who frequently perform such collocation analyses on the basis of restricted query results can disable the warning if they prefer.